Author Archives: Todd Bolen

What Would You Say?

By | September 19, 2007

This guy is amazing. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, whenever he’s on national TV, he somehow manages to present the gospel in clear terms.  And they don’t cut him off.  Even if the question was about yoga!

Happy New Year

By | September 12, 2007

Just in case your calendar is like mine, lacking the Jewish holidays, here’s a heads-up: The Jewish People begin nearly a month of holidays Wednesday evening: Two days of Rosh Hashanah, followed immediately by the Sabbath of Repentance.  Sunday will be the Fast of Gedaliah, commemorating the end of Jewish rule in the Land of… Read More »

Student Watch: Preston Sprinkle

By | September 7, 2007

I wouldn’t mind initiating some kind of “student watch” on this blog, though I fear many of my former students wouldn’t necessarily appreciate it.  My feelings of affection and sometimes pride (not the kind that pretends that I have anything to do with it, but the good kind) may not be reciprocated.  But I’ll do one… Read More »

Kingdom of Priests update

By | September 7, 2007

I’ve told you about this already (here and here), but now you can see the cover shot.  Eisenbrauns is listing the second edition of Kingdom of Priests as due out in March 2008, at a price of $26.  I should come up with some kind of contest with this as the prize.  In fact, I could even get… Read More »

My Dream Machine

By | September 5, 2007

When I was a kid, I had an “invention.”  This was not like the previous invention mentioned recently on this blog.  No, this was an awesome invention.  I dreamed about it, but I’m not sure if I was awake or asleep.  But I can say that it was and still is to this very moment… Read More »

Did the Magi Follow An Angel?

By | September 2, 2007

I was looking for books on Matthew recently and saw Studies in Matthew, by Dale C. Allison, Jr. with a positive comment by Dr. Varner: “If you are writing on Matthew or preaching through it, you must get this volume.”  For the class, I must do 75 minutes of reading per class period, and so… Read More »

The Compromising Church

By | September 2, 2007

You probably think this is announcing the title of John MacArthur’s next book, but it is not.  I just thought that this morning’s service was rather interesting in a few regards.  The service was not only a mix of hymns and choruses, they alternated back and forth between them: one chorus, one hymn, one chorus,… Read More »

Back to School

By | August 28, 2007

Yesterday was Bethany’s first day of school, and today was mine.  There’s actually not been a semester that I’ve not been in school since preschool, but for most of the last 11 years, I’ve been giving assignments, not receiving.  Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive, and in this context, I… Read More »