Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Are Proverbs Promises?

By | December 16, 2012

I was studying Proverbs this week and thought I might share a few paragraphs I wrote in my argument. The nature of proverbs suggests that they are not intended to be “universal propositional truths” or taken as promises from God that will never fail. By design, proverbs are brief and typically express a single aspect… Read More »

Texas Is Beautiful, Part 3

By | December 15, 2012

We had a beautiful drive on the morning of our second day, traveling through the hill country of Texas. For many summers while I was living in Israel, I taught seminary groups from Texas and many times I was told that the Texas hill country was similar to Israel’s hill country. Having been there now,… Read More »

Texas Is Beautiful, Part 2

By | December 13, 2012

We spent our first afternoon at Dinosaur Valley State Park. While we appreciated the tracks that the area is famous for, we also enjoyed our hike on a series of trails in the area. If my daughter tells you that we were kinda lost, don’t believe her. To get to the dinosaur tracks, you have… Read More »

Texas Is Beautiful, Part 1

By | December 11, 2012

We have lived in Texas for more than five years with about six months remaining. In that time we ‘ve taken advantage of Texas ‘ location to visit states north and east, but we have not visited Texas itself. Part of the reason for that is when we have time to travel in the summer,… Read More »

November 30

By | November 30, 2012

I recently read Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books and I would recommend it to those who like to read or to those who would like to read more. It’s $3.03 for Kindle for a few days or more in print. Israel Today has a story about Yad HaShmonah in the wake of the… Read More »

First Chapter

By | November 9, 2012

I have to stop now for the better part of two weeks, but I have finished writing the “meat” of my first chapter (actually “Chapter Five” in the finished work). I had hoped to finish adding intros and conclusions for each section along with an overall conclusion by today, but that did not happen. I… Read More »

Last Soccer Game of the Fall

By | November 5, 2012

He didn’t make the playoffs this season, and Mark missed half the games due to injury or campouts, but he had a good final game and I brought my camera along. I’d like to say he headed this one in, but I don’t think he did. The goalie looks pretty funny. Here’s that goalie again.… Read More »

Dissertation Schedule

By | October 30, 2012

A friend sent me a link today for this blog, suggesting to me that someone wants me to keep it alive. I wrote earlier this evening to another friend that I’m staying on schedule with the dissertation but am behind on everything else. But friend #1 has motivated me to do something which has been… Read More »

Grave Wars in Jerusalem

By | October 21, 2012

From the Caspari Center Media Review: Segula, October 3, 2012 This eight-page feature article relates the history of the establishment of the first missionary hospital in Jerusalem, in 1842, by the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews. The conditions in Israel at the time were bleak: 80% of children born in the land… Read More »