Author Archives: Todd Bolen

FAQ on Our Move

By | June 25, 2007

I get lots of questions about our upcoming transition and there may be others who have the same questions.  So this is my attempt to answer those.  If you have questions that I don’t think of, feel free to ask. Why are you leaving the best job in the world? Short answer: God wants us… Read More »

$5 for any John Piper book

By | June 23, 2007

Desiring God is having a $5 book sale: every book will be $5 on Wed-Thurs, 6/27-28.  That’s a good deal and I’ll be placing an order. I actually got my first Piper book for $.25.  It was a hardcover of Desiring God, without a dustjacket.  But after a couple of attempts to read through it (no one… Read More »

Kingdom or Church

By | June 22, 2007

I was telling a friend last night that they should really encourage their son to check out The Master’s College because it really is the best school I know of.  This morning an email announced the change of the “Purpose and Philosophy Statement” with the addition of one word. The Master’s College, a Christian liberal… Read More »

Is This Guy the Messiah?

By | June 19, 2007

True, he’s dead, but still millions of people believe that he is (or was) the Messiah.  My acquaintance with the movement began in the mid-90s when I worked (as a temporary employee) for the Chabad (Lubavitch) offices in L.A.  The Rebbe had recently passed away and the movement was trying to cope with his death… Read More »

Your Own Domain: A Warning

By | June 19, 2007

Just a thought for those of you who have your own domains: don’t let ’em expire.  If you do, they may be snatched up by some unsavory company and anyone who comes to visit you may see advertisements to casinos, pharmaceutical items, or worse.  This creates a burden for those who have domains who don’t want to… Read More »

Food for Books

By | June 14, 2007

If you have never bought groceries from Amazon and you click this link, I get $3.  If 33 of you do it, I can buy this book.  I know, marketing everywhere, can’t get away from it, even on this formerly safe refuge.  But if you have to buy food anyway, why not? Since I’ll be… Read More »

Sderot and Peace Negotiations

By | June 12, 2007

There are two things reported today by Arutz-7 that I think are worthy of notice. Sderot is an Israeli town in undisputed territory.  It is not in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, or the Golan Heights.  The only ones who would claim that Israelis don’t have a right to live there are those who say that… Read More »

Whaddyaknow? The Death Penalty Works

By | June 11, 2007

You may have already seen this AP story, but in case you haven’t, here’s my little pointer to it.  Numerous studies have been done on the effect of the death penalty on crime, and all of them show that it prevents murders.  The studies disagree on approximately how many lives are saved, but it’s somewhere… Read More »

Intelligent Atheist vs. Brilliant Believer

By | June 9, 2007

I’ve read many essays by Christopher Hitchens over the years, usually being impressed with his intellect if not agreeing with his conclusions.  Slate introduced me to his new book, “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” when they ran a series of excerpts from it, and though I’m not in the habit of reading… Read More »

My Life, Out of Control

By | June 8, 2007

I like to use my computer desktop as a temporary holding place for files that I need to work on.  Sometimes I get behind. Don’t bother asking about my email inbox.