Author Archives: Todd Bolen

The Other Side

By | March 16, 2007

I think that probably most of my readers more often get the Israeli perspective than the Arab one.  Today I read an article about the travels of one Arab professor who frequently flies in and out of Israel.  I think it’s worth reading to get a feel for the difficulties of life on the other… Read More »

Our Trip to the Negev

By | March 14, 2007

Our family recently returned from a 4-day trip to the Negev.  I was teaching and thought that they would be intrigued with the transitory patterns of migrating Bedouin in the biblical period.  This has been a three-year tradition.  Nine years ago, I went on the trip with the school cellphone at the ready (back then,… Read More »

Proposed Law to Ban Missionary Activity

By | March 14, 2007

This is not the first attempt and probably won’t be the last.  But I think it worth reading anyway.  From Arutz-7: A record number of Jews converting to Islam last year prompted the Shas Knesset faction Tuesday to propose a bill that would jail missionaries who proselytize to individuals in Israel…. The existing law mandates… Read More »

Monday night

By | March 5, 2007

As we leave for the Negev… I am again so impressed with the thinking of this young man… A former IBEXer, Cindy (Burnham) Waldeck (S97) and husband Dan have lost their 7-year-old daughter.  Pray for them.  These must be very hard days, no matter what. Our whole family is going on a four-day trip with… Read More »

The Olde Self-Timer

By | March 4, 2007

Let’s just say it was a long way from the camera to the rooftop…   Jeremy did a little better…   Finally, success!   That’s Aijalon in the background.  It was a wonderful day. 

Andrea's brother

By | February 27, 2007

My students are very dear to me. This may not be evident from my cold and cruel exterior, but it is deeply true and it extends far beyond their time in my classroom. Even those that I taught 10 years ago, I still feel a bond with them and remember them in many cases as… Read More »

Free books and free wallpaper photos

By | February 27, 2007

If I can’t give you something good, I can give you something free.  Actually, I’m giving you nothing, but I did find some good things that are free. John Piper’s God is the Gospel is available for free in pdf format.  I bought the book already, but Piper writes faster than I can read and… Read More »

Sabbatical Year in Modern Israel

By | February 26, 2007

If modern Jewish approaches to the observance of the “sabbatical year” are of interest to you, today’s article in Arutz-7 is worth reading.  Instead of giving the land a rest, a lot of work is done to figure out how to obey the letter of the law, but not its spirit. Leviticus 25:1-7 (NIV) ”… Read More »

The End of the Israeli Kibbutz

By | February 23, 2007

If all you know about modern Israel comes fun historical novels like Leon Uris’ Exodus, then you may not be aware that the kibbutz movement has died.  This didn’t happen overnight, but the recent overwhelming vote of the first kibbutz in Israel to dissolve the cooperative nature of their community might be viewed as the… Read More »