Author Archives: Todd Bolen

For Your Next Airplane Trip

By | February 23, 2007

I’ve been busy, with several days of “excavating” in the City of David and then several days up north on a “get-away” with Kelli.  Now I have a stack of midterms to grade.  But here’s something for you the next time you’re sitting next to someone on an airplane who is annoying you.  Just turn… Read More »

Todd's Tips for Dating

By | February 15, 2007

I looked tonight and saw that I haven’t posted anything here in a week. Sorry to disappoint. I guess nothing has come to mind at the right time. But I looked through my stack of “drafts” and found something that, while unpolished, might get me out of having to think harder. Yesterday was, of course,… Read More »

Memories in the Mud

By | February 8, 2007

I think this picture might be worth a thousand words and that you can figure out the story yourself. Yesterday near Gezer You would be on the right track if your story includes the following elements: courageous bus driver, old bus, steep road bus couldn’t quite make it up, alternate back road that looked really… Read More »

Blank Space

By | February 6, 2007

The latest issue of the Journal of Evangelical Theological Society arrived in the mail today.  Near the back is my first published book review.  Yes, I know.  I’ve been a teacher for how long and I’m not announcing my first book.  All these years and one measly little book review about a book that’s not really a… Read More »

Guy Needed for Ministry Position in Jerusalem

By | February 5, 2007

 A Christian organization that I have connections with is looking for two guys who can serve as videocamera operators in Israel from June-Nov 2007.  Preferably the guys have experience with videocamera work, though on-the-job training may be a possibility.  The positions do not include a salary but are all-expense-paid, including airfare to/from the U.S.  I’m not… Read More »

Why the Bible is "Bad History"

By | February 3, 2007

I read an interview today with James Crossley, an NT scholar at the U. of Sheffield.  He was named the “Blogger of the Month” for January, which means that someone thinks he’s important.  I just wanted to point out two paragraphs near the end: There are plenty of evangelicals doing excellent stuff and in certain… Read More »

Blind from Birth

By | January 31, 2007

I love to teach on the field and I love to come home. I just finished a series of Jerusalem trips which were somewhat more challenging than others because of my health, the large group size, the weather and a few other factors.  But I really love to teach and it really is easier when… Read More »

You're Ugly

By | January 30, 2007

 So how many emails do you get with a subject line “I went on a date.”  And in the message they tell you that the date looked amazingly similar to you, and that that was the first and the last date with that person. I must be special.  Just not in the way my Mom… Read More »

Responding to Another View on Ezekiel

By | January 27, 2007

My friend P.J. Tibayan has excerpted a section from D. A. Carson in a comment on the previous post.  My intent in posting the previous bit about Ezekiel’s temple was to save myself time because I am short; I’m not sure that I succeeded.  But I want to respond to Carson’s comments, and it is… Read More »