Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Which Hermeneutic is Dishonest?

By | January 25, 2007

It’s been one of the hardest starts of a semester for me, because of sickness and things related.  Instead of not posting today, I thought I’d copy a reply I wrote to an email yesterday.  This was a response to a respected individual who I know only minimally from correspondence.  He had suggested that dispensationalists had… Read More »

But He Made Me Laugh…

By | January 18, 2007

I’m neck deep in a research project in a field that I don’t know so well.  One of the main articles of value was written by a guy I’d never heard of, and his article was not only effective but incorporated appropriate humor in several places.  Not only did that make the article more enjoyable… Read More »

Stuck on Shabbat

By | January 16, 2007

A few weeks ago I was coming back from the Hebron region on the tunnels road (photo here).  It was late on a Friday afternoon and the beginning of Shabbat was nigh.  In one of the tunnels, there was a car accident.  As we drove past it, we saw the line of cars backed up… Read More »

A photo

By | January 14, 2007

Last month we sent out a Christmas letter with a family photo.  If you didn’t get that and want to see one, here’s a medium-size version.  Or if you want to print it in poster size and hang it on your bathroom door, here’s the way big size. If you want to receive a Christmas letter… Read More »

Before you sign up…

By | January 11, 2007

for NetZero, AOL, Real, ESPN, or any other online service, you should read this PC World article.  It’s rather distressing what some services will do to keep you from canceling.  I mention this article especially because I know that many readers of this blog are stingy, tight-fisted cheapskates and they may not realize that sometimes… Read More »

Satan's Only Tune

By | January 10, 2007

Satan tempts and tests in only one way: He lies. And in all his lying, it boils down to two lies. In every test, his lie is: God is bad. And in every temptation his lie is: Sin is better. God is bad and sin is better. He has one tune to play, and he… Read More »

Student Map Manual

By | January 8, 2007

There are about 5 used Student Map Manuals listed for sale here, ranging in price from $12-$40.  I am surprised they are still available.  College students aren’t always as smart as one would expect.  SMM 6-5 (Deborah and Barak)

TMC Chapel Messages

By | January 5, 2007

This blog is apparently read by more than my wife, the dog and the two students who actually liked my classes.  A positive result is that I got an email from The Master’s College library with this good news: many TMC chapel messages are already online, downloadable, for free, in mp3 format. They are in the… Read More »