Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Passion 07

By | January 5, 2007

Videos from the Passion Conference 07 are online for a short time here.  I don’t see a way to save the files or to skip ahead to the preaching.  A couple of the speakers are John Piper and Francis Chan.  Didn’t that second guy have humble beginnings?

Urgent Need

By | December 30, 2006

If you want to help save a life, take a look at these children who  have serious heart defects.  Surgeries like these cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, but Israeli doctors are donating their skills to operate on the hearts of these Iraqi kids.  But there are still some costs of transportation, housing, and… Read More »


By | December 29, 2006

Israel got some snow Wednesday night.  It wasn’t much where I live, but today (2 days after the snowfall), it was still sticking pretty well in the Hebron hills. Today I went to two biblical sites I had never been to.  There’s always something more to do.

Book Review: Going Places With God

By | December 28, 2006

The problem with studying the geography of Israel is that it can quickly become divorced from the life-changing truths of Scripture. After all, how do hills and valleys help you grow closer to God? Wayne Stiles has the answer to that in his new book, Going Places With God: A Devotional Journey Through the Lands… Read More »

A Study on Jet Lag

By | December 26, 2006

Older people have told me that it gets harder to adjust to jet lag as you get older.  Now there is science to back that up.  The majority of the older mice in the experiment died after 8 weeks of simulated D.C. to Paris flights. If you do much flying, this Washington Post article is worth… Read More »

On Reading Better

By | December 24, 2006

These are truths you didn’t learn in English class.  From Thomas Brooks, “The Unsearchable Riches of Christ,” via GraceGems. You must meditate and dwell upon what you read; otherwise your pains and mine will be lost. The more any man is in the contemplation of truth, the more deep and firm impression is made upon… Read More »

Jews in America: How Many and Where

By | December 22, 2006

Arutz-7 has the results of a new survey of American Jews. According to a new American Jewish Year Book survey, there are currently 6.4 million Jews in the United States – about a million more than in Israel…. About 2.2 percent of the US population is Jewish, according to American Jewish Year Book statistics. New… Read More »

Everyone's Doing It

By | December 21, 2006

Well, almost everyone, and that’s not an exaggeration.  A new study, published by USA Today, interviewed about 40,000 people and they found that 95% had sex before marriage.  That’s 19 out of 20.  The study is being used by some to attack government-funded abstinence programs.  One expert says that these face an “extremely high hurdle.… Read More »

Religious People are Dangerous

By | December 20, 2006

Pyromaniacs has a great quote today from D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. I feel it is an interesting and profitable subject to try to decide which is the more dangerous position for a man to be in —to state openly and avowedly that he is not at all interested in Christ and religion, or to follow Christ… Read More »

A Fetus or an Infant?

By | December 18, 2006

From Best of the Web Today: “The remains of what were tentatively identified as three human fetuses or infants were discovered in the freezer of a woman who was found dead in her home last month,” the Associated Press reports from Columbia, Tenn. “The age and cause of death will be determined in an autopsy… Read More »