Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Influential Books

By | December 18, 2006

There are so many books out there that it is easy to read whatever catches your attention or happens to be handy. I think it’s better to be strategic about our reading. Have you ever planned a year in advance what you are going to read? At least, I would suggest that you develop a… Read More »

Gift Certificates

By | December 14, 2006

I read somewhere recently that gift certificates are bad gifts.  I agree if you get a gift certificate to some place you don’t care about (like to Starbucks or the iTunes store).  But I like giving and getting Amazon gift certificates, as you can find pretty much anything there.  And Amazon doesn’t play games like short… Read More »

Grace to You Podcast Archive

By | December 13, 2006

If you’re looking for good sermons to listen to over the Christmas break, you can always subscribe to podcasts like Grace to You (John MacArthur) and Desiring God (John Piper). Travis Carden has recently compiled a list MacArthur sermons from the podcast from the last year, with links to the mp3 files and transcripts. The… Read More »

Close to Home

By | December 12, 2006

Several items of news in the U.S. over the past week have hit close to home.  James Kim died while trying to save his family in a snowstorm very near to my parents’ house and where we spent some time this summer.  James was my age, and an editor of a website I read frequently.… Read More »

Christmas is a Pagan Holiday

By | December 6, 2006

I don’t usually post my responses to private emails online, but I think this one might be worthwhile to some.  It’ll at least make somebody mad, which I seem to be good at doing lately.  Yesterday I sent out a newsletter for which featured photos related to the Christmas Story.  (I think my timing… Read More »

Dumb Americans #482

By | December 5, 2006

Some years ago I chose The Master’s College over UC Berkeley.  Clearly the latter is a smarter school, right?  Well, today’s news suggests otherwise.  UC Berkeley has decided to ban students from participating in a summer excavation in Israel or otherwise receiving credit from courses taken in Israel. A professor at Hebrew University sees through… Read More »

Your Christmas List

By | December 4, 2006

Here are some ideas either for you to give or to ask for :-) Valley of Vision – you can get the nice leather bound edition, the excellent audio CD version, or the new Sovereign Grace CD which is based on these Puritan prayers. Archaeological Study Bible. I’ve talked about this before here and here.… Read More »

How to be a Strong Woman

By | December 1, 2006

John Piper is now finishing seven years of preaching through Romans and I know that many don’t have the time to read his sermons each week.  But I thought this section worthy of highlighting as it is not something that we hear very often and yet it is very important for half of the church.  He… Read More »

But He Loves Kids

By | November 29, 2006

A few weeks ago Bart Campolo (son of Tony) wrote an article in The Journal of Student Ministries in which he said some disturbing things, including: Please, don’t get me wrong. I am well aware that I don’t get to decide who God is. What I do get to decide, however, is to whom I… Read More »

Do you care?

By | November 28, 2006

I need to be grading papers, so instead of something substantive from me, I suggest you read Michael Kinsley’s article, “Like I Care.” This is especially relevant for those who have blogs, myspace accounts, facebook pages, and such. After I finish grading papers, I’ll be getting a glass of cold water.