Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Ten Years Ago

By | October 16, 2012

Ten years ago today a young driver lost control of his vehicle in the Judean hills and ran head on into the IBEX truck which was carrying two students, the volunteer, and me. Though all of us eventually recovered fully (as far as I know), it was a traumatic experience for us and others who… Read More »

September 27

By | September 27, 2012

Is this the most epic Lego contraption of all time? This is a remarkable interview with a long-time left-wing Israeli historian who now believes that there can be no peace with the Palestinians. (Free reg. may be req ‘d.) Brian McLaren, who promotes a “new kind of Christianity,” recently presided over his son’s same-sex commitment… Read More »

September 20

By | September 20, 2012

Made in Israel by Jewish believers in Jesus to present the Messiah to Israelis, “The Other Side of the Cross” is viewable online (or start with the trailer). There is much wise counsel in John Frame’s Advice: 30 Suggestions for Theological Students and Young Theologians. I’m in the middle of #23 right now. If you… Read More »

Enoch Walked with God

By | September 15, 2012

Marcus Dods, in 1902: “Enoch walked with God because he was His friend and liked His company, because he was going in the same direction as God, and had no desire for anything but what lay in God’s path. We walk with God when He is in all our thoughts not because we consciously think… Read More »

Yad Hashmona Loses Same-Sex Lawsuit

By | September 14, 2012

From ICEJ News: Yad Hashmona, the Messianic Jewish Moshav near Jerusalem, was handed a devastating legal defeat on Wednesday when the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court ruled that it had acted improperly in refusing to allow a lesbian couple to have a wedding reception in the Moshav events hall and ordered the Moshav to pay damages to… Read More »

September 3

By | September 3, 2012

D. A. Carson: “When you ‘re busy hating everybody, and denouncing everybody, and seeking political solutions to everything, it’s very difficult to evangelize. Isn’t it?” This article helped me to better understand the Todd Akin situation. And here is what the congressman should have said. The best New Testament Dictionary is the Old Testament. I… Read More »


By | August 23, 2012

We made it home, safe and sound, and thankful for many good adventures and memories. We visited 13 states and traveled 4,556 miles in the car. We saw license plates from 48 states, never seeing Hawaii or Rhode Island. Aside from sniffly noses, everyone was healthy. Along the way we stopped at four major sites… Read More »


By | August 22, 2012

Today we drove to Branson to see the presentation of Joseph at the Sight & Sound Theater. This was a first-rate musical about the life of Joseph and his brothers that was powerful, instructive, and faithful to Scripture. I feared that I might find so many mistakes that it would take away from my enjoyment.… Read More »

St. Louis

By | August 21, 2012

I took a lot of photos today and I’m just not going to be able to share everything. We had a full day of American history and ended it with some fun time with friends. We started off at Fort Dubois, the winter campground for the Corps of Discovery before Lewis and Clark began their… Read More »

Springfield, Illinois

By | August 20, 2012

We ‘ve driven home from Rockford, Illinois in a day before, but we decided to take it a bit slower this time and see some of the sites. Today was the first of four days in our journey home. Our time in Springfield, Illinois, was about the 16th president. We began at the Old State… Read More »