Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Secret Sins

By | November 8, 2006

What if?   What if Ted Haggard had, 3 years ago, 3 months ago, or even 3 weeks ago, recognized the vile sins he was engaged in and gone to the leaders of his church and told them he was unqualified to be their pastor?   If he had, he would have been placed on… Read More »

Marring the Edges of Your Beard

By | October 31, 2006

The Jewish lesson for today is on payot or sidelocks that are worn by many Orthodox men. The reason that these exist goes back to Leviticus 19:27, which states: “You shall not round off the hair on your temples or mar the edges of your beard” (ESV). Rabbis have interpreted this in different ways, such… Read More »

Harmony of Israelite History

By | October 30, 2006

My favorite harmony of the Israelite monarchies is that by James D. Newsome, A Synoptic Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. Unfortunately it’s been out of print for many years and I’ve seen it selling used for up to $200. I now see that Wipf & Stock are reprinting it and it’s available for a… Read More »

Between Rain Storms

By | October 29, 2006

If you were anywhere else, you missed a great sunset last night… Just thought my former moshav mates might like the chance to reminisce. Later this week we’ll be watching the sun set over a different sea.

Do you…wear headphones?

By | October 27, 2006

This week’s links are to articles that express ideas that I have had, but expressed much better. Many of my readers are iPod users, I would guess.   The iPod (or any mp3 player) is really just a newer and smaller Walkman, but because of their small size and ability to hold thousands of songs,… Read More »

Friday Links

By | October 20, 2006

Here are some links I’ve come across this week that are worth checking out. Gunner has moved to Raw Christianity. In his introductory post, he writes: I said that what I’ve always wanted to be is someone who doesn’t seek to be a polished disciple or a smooth Christian but who is authentic and on-edge… Read More »

Favorite Sermons Online and Free

By | October 18, 2006

If I can’t find what I’m looking for on the internet within one minute, I usually conclude that it’s not there. Last week, however, I was determined to find the latest biographical sermon by John Piper on William Tyndale. I found the manuscript and I found links to all of the other messages. And of… Read More »

Please Leave Your Underwear At Home

By | October 17, 2006

I figure one convent sign deserves another… Perhaps my Russian friends can tell me if the original is less humorous. Lest you think this blog is going downhill fast, here’s a link to translation issue that I think may be helpful to some in clarifying how “dynamic equivalence” in translation works. “Dynamic equivalence” is a… Read More »

Passport Control

By | October 16, 2006

I lecture for six hours today, and so I’m stealing a post from my friend Josh.   This video is in Hebrew, but you’ll understand it anyway.   The gist of the conversation is that the guy coming into Israel doesn’t look like the photo in his passport.