Author Archives: Todd Bolen


By | September 11, 2006

I’ve heard numbers, but I’d never seen a list.   This one is the most complete, but this one lists the age and occupation. Either one is worthy of some sober minutes of reflection.

A New Calendar

By | September 9, 2006

Some people have commented that they are disappointed that this year’s calendar from Messianic Jewish Publications has artwork instead of photos from me. Actually there are three calendars this year of which my pictures are a part, but come January we’ll be looking at a blank wall (well, there is possibly one exception). But I… Read More »

Just Say Yes

By | September 7, 2006

I may not be famous, but I went to high school with two people who are in the news today. Marion Jones ‘B’ sample came back negative and Dmitri Young was released from the Detroit Tigers.   Both have had problems allegedly with substance abuse and both make a teeny bit more than I do… Read More »

God's Love Letter to You?

By | September 7, 2006

I was recently asked about a statement I made previously: The Bible was not written for you or me. Thus, I don’t feel bad if some part of it is boring or doesn’t “speak to me.” So I was asked, isn’t the Bible God’s love letter to us?   Uh, no.   Not exactly. It’s… Read More »

An Epitaph

By | September 6, 2006

Spotted yesterday: this gravestone marker for the wife of James De Rothschild, son of Baron Edmond De Rothschild. Any ladies out there want to put this on their tombstone? A close-up:

Five Years

By | September 2, 2006

Five years ago today was a very happy day for my family. It had been a difficult labor for Kelli and we were unhappy with the substitute doctor called in to deliver holiday weekend babies. But when the moment came, the birth was beautiful and amazing, unlike with our previous two sons. That was early… Read More »

Stupid Security

By | September 1, 2006

Do we really gain something by patting down a two-year-old? Are we somehow safer? Are we morally superior because we equally pat down the 25-year-old Muslim male and the 2-year-old girl? Is the goal security or is it to demonstrate that we are “fair to all”? I think that if we’re going to win the… Read More »

Surfing in Class

By | August 31, 2006

Yesterday‘s attempt to write something short that was both humorous and possibly truthful touched a nerve, as evidenced by some comments both here and sent to me directly.   So today I’m going to follow it up with a more serious post. Some would say that whether you surf in class or not is a… Read More »

Welcome Back

By | August 30, 2006

I just thought I’d say a big “welcome back” to my readers who only read this blog when class is in session. If you’re guilty, just go ahead…click that red little X at the top right corner of this screen, vow never again to read blogs or to IM during class and instead make use… Read More »

Lesson Learned?

By | August 28, 2006

There are various opinions on whether Israel, Lebanon, or Hezbollah won the war, but surely this statement yesterday by Sheik Hassan Nasrallah should be factored in: He said Hezbollah had not expected even “1 percent” of Israel’s response to its July 12 cross-border raid, which provoked the conflict. “If I had known that the operation… Read More »