Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Life of Christ books

By | August 27, 2006

I have found a good deal on 6 classic books on the life of Christ, for about $2.50 a book. The catch? 1) They’re for the computer, in Logos/Libronix format. 2) They haven’t quite been published yet. But that’s the reason for this post. Logos will publish these 6 books in a collection if there… Read More »

Book Tag, The Right Way

By | August 25, 2006

Now I’ve read some of the others who have answered these questions, and frankly, either they are really smart or I’m just the opposite.   But without pretense, here are my honest answers, as best as I can determine with my imperfect memory. 1. One book that changed your life: The Student Map Manual. 2.… Read More »

Tips for Teachers

By | August 24, 2006

Scot McKnight has an interesting series of posts going on education this past week, all of which I would like to interact with here.   Maybe one at a time.   Perhaps this will be beneficial to any aspiring teachers who read this blog.   I’ll start with today’s – his letter to a new… Read More »

My News Fix

By | August 23, 2006

I don’t know how you get your daily news wrap-up, but I don’t get mine from either television or radio. The Internet is much faster (that is, I can read faster than watch/listen). There’s a ton of sites out there but what I just realized I have been reading for about 10 years(!) is Today’s… Read More »

Are You Sure You Want To Ask That?

By | August 22, 2006

I’ve heard teachers say that there’s no such thing as a “stupid question,” but those must have never been in my classroom (or on my bus).   Dr. Randy Stinson, dean of the Leadership School at Southern Seminary, has come up with a solution.   Pass this out on the first day of class and… Read More »

What Israelis Think about the War

By | August 20, 2006

MAARIV POLL–August 15, 2006 Telephone poll of a representative sample of 500 adult Israelis carried out by Teleseker. Statistical error +/- 4.4 percentage points. Who do you think won the war? Hizbullah 15%, Israel 18%, No one 66% Should Israel have agreed to the cease-fire? Yes 42%, No 53% Will Israel’s situation vis-a-vis Hizbullah change?… Read More »

I'm Proud of This

By | August 20, 2006

The Master’s College has been ranked 2nd (tied) in the West (in the top tier) as one of America’s Best Colleges 2007 in the Best Comprehensive Colleges-Bachelor’s category by U.S. News and World Report. This marks the 7th year in a row that TMC was listed in the top tier of western region bachelor’s degree… Read More »

Peace, Peace

By | August 20, 2006

A missionary who lives in Beirut said something that I think summarizes the “results” of the war. I don’t have permission to quote him, so I will summarize: Attitudes in Lebanon are much more polarized than before, but the issues which precipitated the war have not been resolved. Now me: The first part means that… Read More »