Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Why Me?

By | August 19, 2006

Oh! but my afflictions are greater than other men’s afflictions are! Oh! there is no affliction like my affliction! How can I not murmur? It may be your sins are greater than other men’s sins. If you have sinned against… more light, more love, more mercies, more promises, than others–no wonder if your afflictions are… Read More »

That Book Tag, But The Other Way

By | August 18, 2006

There’s been a meme going around that has received a lot of attention for bloggers, at least ones that I read (like Moorhead).   That’s really no surprise, given that most of these bloggers are readers.   No one has tagged me (which is the way I like it), but I have decided to answer… Read More »

Billionaires, Read This!

By | August 17, 2006

FoolishBlog notes a billionaire who flies his sons’ basketball teams around the country in luxury airplanes, puts them up in fancy hotels, and bankrolls a large staff for the team. Far be it from me to comment on any long-lasting (not to speak of eternal) value in this. But it does spark an idea in… Read More »

Learn Your OT Theology

By | August 16, 2006

All other Eugene Merrill fans out there will be excited to know that his OT theology is being released next month. I remember a couple of years ago when he was working on it in Jerusalem. He was working with just a Bible and a computer, as I recall. Not exactly like other works which… Read More »

Errors in the Bible

By | August 11, 2006

I’m reading through the Bible (yes, in a non-approved version), and in going through Numbers 33, I was reminded of how difficult the wilderness itineraries are. There are a few places in Scripture where the travels of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan are recorded, and not only do they not reconcile easily, it’s hard… Read More »

Photo from Beirut

By | August 7, 2006

This photo just in, from a Reuters photographer on the scene. (HT: OJ).   Dan Rather has verified its authenticity. If you aren’t laughing, you either haven’t seen this guy elsewhere or you missed the latest scandal from the unbiased media.