Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Take a look

By | August 5, 2006

John Piper is back and has a report on his sabbatical.   I can’t imagine what it would be like to have 11 hours a day to work without interruption! (HT: BTW) The Valley of Vision CD is now for sale.   This is a collection of songs based on the book of Puritan prayers.… Read More »

New Blog Location

By | August 2, 2006

The new location for this blog ( is intended to make this blog location easier to remember for my friends. It is not a move to make this a more public blog; it is still a personal blog, intended for my friends and former students. Others may find and read, and I can’t stop them,… Read More »

Hezbollah followup

By | August 2, 2006

Not everyone, of course, agrees about the Israel-Hezbollah/Lebanon war. I think it’s good to hear from someone closer to the source (that doesn’t include CNN), so you can read this article in The Daily Star (main English paper in Lebanon), whose survey essentially shows that nearly all of Lebanon is behind Hezbollah. Or you can… Read More »

Why Hezbollah Should Be Destroyed

By | August 1, 2006

In response to my recent post, a friend asked me to explain why Hezbollah is the enemy. Here are ten reasons: 1. Hezbollah has carried out more than 200 acts of terrorism, killing more than 800 people, including: a series of kidnappings of Westerners in Lebanon, including several Americans, in the 1980s; the suicide truck… Read More »

A War Without Sides

By | July 31, 2006

The problem with the current Israel-Lebanon war is that the world is unwilling to recognize that there are good guys and there are bad guys. There are friends and foes, allies and enemies. It’s hard to defeat the enemy when you are weeping for him. But there is an enemy, and he must be defeated… Read More »

God's Mercy

By | July 30, 2006

If you have 3 minutes to read this slowly, it is worth your while. It was written by “Nevins” and distributed by Grace Gems. There is something very special in the manner in which the doctrine of God’s mercy is taught in Scripture. Observe that several words, nearly synonymous, are used to teach us the… Read More »

Hard Summer

By | July 27, 2006

I’m going through a difficult struggle right now. My focus has been to fight the fight of faith daily. To that end, I made a half-page “cheatsheet” of verses that remind just who this God is that I am waiting on. He can be trusted (Word doc, pdf). I have printed it out a few… Read More »

More on Hezbollah War

By | July 21, 2006

So I confess that I haven’t watched a minute of the Hezbollah Annihilation campaign on TV. Not on principle, but for other reasons. If you are watching it all unfold, these links may not be as interesting to you as to me. 1. The Washington Post has some 360 degree panorama shots, including one of… Read More »

I Believe Hezbollah

By | July 20, 2006

Israel dropped 23 tons of bombs on a site in south Beirut recently, claiming that it was the headquarters of Hezbollah. Hezbollah insists that Israel bombed a mosque under construction. I have no doubt that Hezbollah is telling the truth this time. After they constructed a bunker deep underground, Hezbollah started erecting a mosque on… Read More »

We Are Safer Than Before

By | July 18, 2006

So…those emails. People are wondering if it’s safe to come now. Students are wondering if they should. Others are inquiring about whether there will be a fall semester at IBEX. Here’s how I see it: Hezbollah has shot off some thousand rockets to this point. The Israeli air force has destroyed who knows how many… Read More »