Author Archives: Todd Bolen

The Inherent Bias of News

By | July 16, 2006

Our son Mark was hit by a projectile today. His older brother threw a car at him. Otherwise, life as far as we see it here is normal. Without minimizing the real dangers in parts of this country at the moment, I want to comment on the media’s portrayal of events. I read an article… Read More »

Land for Peace: Has It Worked?

By | July 15, 2006

Israel should withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories if they want to enjoy a peaceful existence. The reason for the Muslim violence is the occupation and when that ends, so will suicide bombers, rocket attacks, and kidnappings. So the argument goes from most of the world leaders, the United Nations and some evangelicals. Last year Israel… Read More »

While I Was Camping…

By | July 14, 2006

While I was camping, there were some new developments. First, about camping. Luke complained that it was noisy at night while he was trying to sleep. We were staying near Tell Yalo, ancient Aijalon. Midway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Yes, too noisy. The cows were mooing, the woodpeckers pecking, and the birds chirping. But… Read More »

Are We Safe? (#72,631)

By | July 13, 2006

I’m going to save myself a few future emails, by answering your question before you ask. Four who have already written have said: I have just been checking the news in Israel and having read about the recent events in regards to Lebanon, was wondering what your take on the whole situation is since Israel… Read More »

Suffering for Jesus

By | June 24, 2006

Some of you may have figured out that I am traveling to various top-secret locations during the latter half of June. I’m spending two weeks going to biblical sites none of which I have been to before. It is an amazing trip. Bet you can’t guess where these photos was taken. And lest you think… Read More »

Every TV

By | June 20, 2006

Every TV in Greece has the World Cup playing. Every single one. No exceptions. And it doesn’t matter that Greece didn’t make it into the tournament. The World Cup is a soccer tournament, for those of you in the U.S.