Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Museum Piece

By | June 19, 2006

This is a real museum piece. The only thing it lacks is a label. This was one of the few things in the archaeological exhibit which did not have a “no photos allowed” sign in front of it :-(.

Modest Dress, Please

By | June 19, 2006

Seeing a sign like this at the entrance of a monastery is not unusual. But something seems amiss when you see the sign in this context. (And the magazines are worse than what is visible in this photo.)

Did God Choose You?

By | June 12, 2006

This quote was on my friend Micah’s blog. “After giving a brief survey of these doctrines of sovereign grace, I asked for questions from the class. One lady, in particular, was quite troubled. She said, ‘This is the most awful thing I’ve ever heard! You make it sound as if God is intentionally turning away… Read More »

Another Cheap Bible Software Package

By | June 11, 2006

If you have more than $30 to spend on a starter Bible program, here’s a better deal. For $100, you get a lot of the basic Bible study books in the eBible Platinum Special. There’s a full list here, but note that it includes the Bible in Hebrew and Greek, main English translations (NKJV, NLT,… Read More »

Liberal Logic – A Response

By | June 10, 2006

I previously commented about “Liberal Logic” with regard to the location of Ai. The author of the book mentioned therein responded in the comments section. As I want to respond to him, I’ve chosen to copy his comments to this post, followed by my response. It is by accident that i came across Bolen’s critique… Read More »

Can You Tell?

By | June 10, 2006

Yesterday we spent the night near an important Old Testament site. I told the boys the story of David drooling in his beard. So you know where we stayed, right? If not, here’s another hint: Don’t tell me they all look the same! The white chalky cliffs are distinctive to this tell (and give it… Read More »

Palestinian Viper

By | June 8, 2006

They found this beauty on the moshav last night. This is the only poisonous snake in the Judean hills. Yes, that is venom you see there. In ten years of living here, I’ve never seen a live one of these outside of a zoo. And yes, I did make sure to get a picture to… Read More »

Israeli Elementary

By | June 8, 2006

Last night was sort of an “open house/carnival” at the boys’ school. Above is a picture of Mark’s first-grade classroom. Below is a picture of Kelli with Luke’s teacher. A few observations: 1. The kids have nowhere to keep their stuff (e.g., desk drawers) and so have to haul everything back and forth each day.… Read More »

An Israeli Swear Word

By | June 8, 2006

The latest Caspari Center Media Review is out and includes this paragraph: In a column explaining the monthly “hot” colloquialisms in Israeli culture, the business daily newspaper Globes (May 17) reports the frequent use of the words “Jesus Christ” (in English) as a term of frustration on the streets of Tel Aviv. Author Moran Sharir… Read More »