Category Archives: Bible Reading Guide

Judges and Ruth

By | June 29, 2010

Judges The main point of this book is that the Israelites keep sinning. God keeps saving, but then they sin again. There are no real heroes in this book; everyone is pretty wretched, though some are worse than others. Pay attention to chapter 1 because this explains one of the reasons the Israelites kept sinning:… Read More »


By | June 26, 2010

I’ve spent a good part of my life thinking about things in this book, without really understanding the book as a whole.  I’ve thought about the background of this book, without carefully considering its message.  I’ve spent more time trying to understand what is not in the text than what is clearly written.  That’s true… Read More »


By | June 24, 2010

This book might be called the “heart” of the Old Testament, because it teaches so much of what God cares for. Some of the laws may seem boring, but many of them sound very much like the principles in the New Testament. Chapters 1-4 is a review of the good things God did in Exodus,… Read More »

Leviticus and Numbers

By | June 20, 2010

Here are the next couple of books in the “Bible Reading Guide” that I’m writing for my son. Leviticus The book’s name means “for the Levites,” but most of the book is actually for the Israelites. The heart of the book is this: now that God is living in the center of camp in the… Read More »


By | June 17, 2010

A guy I met from church tonight told how his former pastor suggested taking a calculus book, turning to page 188, then back to 53, before reading 221.  You ‘d wonder why it didn’t make sense.  Yet we read the Bible that way.  Here’s what I told my son to pay attention to before he… Read More »


By | June 12, 2010

One of my sons is going to try to read through the Bible this summer.  I thought that it might help him if I made a “Bible reading guide” that would make sure he paid attention to important matters and grasped the main points.  I’m writing this at a basic (6th-grade) level, but on the… Read More »