Category Archives: Faith

The Race

By | November 17, 2006

Paul: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” (1 Cor 9:24) How are you running in the race of faith? Are you running to win, or just out to “have fun”? Does it matter… Read More »

Piper on Marriage

By | November 16, 2006

The preachers that I respect the most usually do not talk about their personal lives in their sermons or writings.  John Piper is no exception.  But if you want more of an inside look into his marriage than I’ve come across anywhere else, you’ll find it in his sermon last month on “Marriage Lived to the Glory… Read More »

Serious, Sad and Funny

By | November 14, 2006

Three things I’ve come across recently in other blogs seem worth repeating. Each evokes its own emotion, which makes me consider which order is best to list them here. I think I want to end with the serious one, because I hope that you think about that the longest. I’ll start with the funny one because I don’t think it would follow the sad one so well. And the sad isn’t truly, deeply sad, but it’s not happy for one who has devoted his life (so far) to the very opposite notion.

New Hanukkah Book

By | November 14, 2006

Former IBEX students will especially be interested to hear that Ariel and D’vorah Berkowitz have just released a book on Hanukkah.  The book is entitled, Hanukkah in the Home of the Redeemed: The Story of the Battle Against Assimilation and includes: – A historical summary of the events of the first Hanukkah– A practical guide… Read More »

Three Myths about Heaven

By | November 10, 2006

Do you long for heaven? If not, it’s probably because either 1) your desires are skewed or 2) your knowledge is inaccurate. Here are three myths about heaven that bug me: 1. It will be boring. This is a strange notion. Is earth boring? Are the sites and smells and activities of earth boring? And… Read More »

Secret Sins

By | November 8, 2006

What if?   What if Ted Haggard had, 3 years ago, 3 months ago, or even 3 weeks ago, recognized the vile sins he was engaged in and gone to the leaders of his church and told them he was unqualified to be their pastor?   If he had, he would have been placed on… Read More »

Favorite Sermons Online and Free

By | October 18, 2006

If I can’t find what I’m looking for on the internet within one minute, I usually conclude that it’s not there. Last week, however, I was determined to find the latest biographical sermon by John Piper on William Tyndale. I found the manuscript and I found links to all of the other messages. And of… Read More »

Yom Kippur

By | October 2, 2006

Today is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which is described in Leviticus 16. The Jerusalem Post has an article on a curious practice that some Jews follow in the days before Yom Kippur. In the absence of a temple and the blood sacrifices that provide atonement for sins, some Jews today observe a sacrificial… Read More »

Why Me?

By | August 19, 2006

Oh! but my afflictions are greater than other men’s afflictions are! Oh! there is no affliction like my affliction! How can I not murmur? It may be your sins are greater than other men’s sins. If you have sinned against… more light, more love, more mercies, more promises, than others–no wonder if your afflictions are… Read More »