Category Archives: Faith

That Book Tag, But The Other Way

By | August 18, 2006

There’s been a meme going around that has received a lot of attention for bloggers, at least ones that I read (like Moorhead).   That’s really no surprise, given that most of these bloggers are readers.   No one has tagged me (which is the way I like it), but I have decided to answer… Read More »

Errors in the Bible

By | August 11, 2006

I’m reading through the Bible (yes, in a non-approved version), and in going through Numbers 33, I was reminded of how difficult the wilderness itineraries are. There are a few places in Scripture where the travels of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan are recorded, and not only do they not reconcile easily, it’s hard… Read More »

God's Mercy

By | July 30, 2006

If you have 3 minutes to read this slowly, it is worth your while. It was written by “Nevins” and distributed by Grace Gems. There is something very special in the manner in which the doctrine of God’s mercy is taught in Scripture. Observe that several words, nearly synonymous, are used to teach us the… Read More »

Hard Summer

By | July 27, 2006

I’m going through a difficult struggle right now. My focus has been to fight the fight of faith daily. To that end, I made a half-page “cheatsheet” of verses that remind just who this God is that I am waiting on. He can be trusted (Word doc, pdf). I have printed it out a few… Read More »

Did God Choose You?

By | June 12, 2006

This quote was on my friend Micah’s blog. “After giving a brief survey of these doctrines of sovereign grace, I asked for questions from the class. One lady, in particular, was quite troubled. She said, ‘This is the most awful thing I’ve ever heard! You make it sound as if God is intentionally turning away… Read More »

Meno's Messages

By | May 10, 2006

Jerusalem Assembly has recently begun putting their sermons online. There are about 50 sermons available at this point, in English only (the Hebrew version is recorded separately and is available at These are streaming audio files in wma format, but you can save them from Windows Media Player after they start playing by choosing… Read More »

The Samaritan Passover

By | April 12, 2006

Tonight Passover begins and we’ll be observing the Seder with our students in the classroom. That will be a good time of remembering God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt. One aspect that we’ll miss that the ancients didn’t was the cost of that deliverance – the death of the firstborn. The Lord “passed over”… Read More »

While I Was Away

By | March 23, 2006

Yad HaShmonah was the subject of a 10-page article in the Orthodox magazine Yated Ne’eman. A summary is given in this week’s Caspari Media Review. Consider the source and don’t believe everything you read. David Powlison also has prostate cancer and takes the opportunity to add to Piper’s recent essay, “Don’t Waste Your Cancer.” Craig… Read More »

Hero of the Month: March 2006

By | March 12, 2006

Some months ago I had the idea to post a short note here about some people who have greatly impressed me. These are individuals that aren’t (and will never be) in the news, but are the types of people that I want my kids to grow up to be. Josh Watson has been teaching the… Read More »