Category Archives: Faith

Is It Ok to Read Novels?

By | March 5, 2006

I subscribe to the daily emails from Grace Gems, which I usually find to contain profitable quotes from centuries past. Sometimes when the quote touches on cultural matters, I find myself questioning or disagreeing. Much of course was written in years past that we would disagree with, but the anonymous selector of these quotes must… Read More »

My Passport

By | February 24, 2006

This week I surrendered my passport to the authorities and they punched it full of holes. It wasn’t expired (2 years left) and it wasn’t full (6 of 48 pages remain), but with the holes it is no longer valid. This experience gave me reason to reflect on my citizenship. My perspective is from one… Read More »

The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon

By | January 31, 2006

Few people know that I started my scholarly life researching the Mormon faith. I was about 8 years old and many of the kids on my block went to the Mormon church. I read a lot and I studied a lot and when opportunities arose, we talked. That continued in my college years as I… Read More »

Is Cancer Good News?

By | January 6, 2006

John Piper has cancer and has released a letter which you can read on Between Two Worlds. What is stunning is the paragraph that begins, “This news has, of course, been good for me.” It is worth reading in full. I wonder how the letter will read when it becomes my turn to write it.

How is affliction a blessing?

By | December 24, 2005

GraceGems sends out a daily email with a quotation from someone dead. This is from today. Read slowly. “Blessed is the man whom You chasten, O Lord” (Psalm 94:12) We are all familiar with suffering. We are either now enduring, or shall at some future time endure severe afflictions. There are few of us therefore… Read More »

Muslims Coming to Christ

By | December 20, 2005

My brother Chet and sister-in-law Allison (IBEX Fall 99!) gave me a book for my birthday that I thought was worth sharing about here. The Costly Call, by Emir Caner and H. Edward Pruitt is subtitled, “Modern-Day Stories of Muslims Who Found Jesus.” This 150-page book gives the accounts of twenty men and women from… Read More »

For Prayer and Practice

By | November 10, 2005

These are two unrelated items that I read in the last 24 hours that I would recommend to you. For prayer: The Caspari Media Review gives the latest run-down on events related to Christians in Israel. Just the news, but very thought-provoking. For practice: Listen Up! Very good insights on talking and listening. Takes 3… Read More »