Category Archives: Faith

Christian + Fiction = ?

By | September 4, 2009

“Christian fiction” those two words will make the bravest man tremble and flee in terror.  I know.  Bear with me. About ten years ago, we were having dinner with a couple of students at our house.  We did that around 400 times, so I don’t remember them all with vivid detail.  But for some reason… Read More »

August 18

By | August 18, 2009

This guy is only 30, but he is dangerous.   If any American church will have him, that is.   I was turned on to it because someone said this was the best sermon ever delivered at the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors Conference.   TMC needs to get him out for chapel.   And stand… Read More »

The Transformed Heart

By | August 10, 2009

I’m back from vacation; hopefully more on that soon.  Tonight I read a booklet by Dallas Willard entitled The Transformed Heart.  It was originally published as the first chapter of Renovation of the Heart.  It is worth reading, and I share here one good statement and one that is not. Bad: Preparation for Jesus came… Read More »

The Talmud and the OT

By | June 29, 2009

Michael Wex is a Jewish author descended from some notable rabbis.  His specialty is Yiddish, and his book Born to Kvetch was a bestseller in 2005. This quotation was brought to my attention by Michael Rydelnik, and I checked the book out recently and verified it.  The statement is surprising given its source. Contrary to… Read More »

The Death of the (Other) Messiah

By | June 25, 2009

Fifteen years ago today a man that millions of Jews believed was the Messiah died.  As in Christianity, his tomb has become a place of veneration.  There is, however, one significant difference between the two tombs.  Arutz-7 gives a little of the background, while entirely skirting the issue that the large percentage of Chabad still… Read More »

How Do You Make Christ Look Great?

By | June 11, 2009

The DesiringGod Blog has posted a new video using a mix from 1031sermonjams. Philippians 3:7-8 (NIV) “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I… Read More »

February 22

By | February 22, 2009

Care to hunt pigs in Israel?  They are fast critters.  Except the one I caught at Yad HaShmonah once, playing a game of flashlight tag. Four new designs for the back of the penny (which, by the way, costs 1.4 cents to make). Do you have trouble threading a needle?  This guy doesn’t! A massive… Read More »

Berg and Bookman

By | January 16, 2009

Some readers here knew Philip Berg, our friend in Jerusalem who passed away three years ago today.  Martha has written a message about their situation and the Lord’s grace through difficult times.  One of the most important people in the last 19.4 years of my life is Doug Bookman.  He started a blog recently, and… Read More »

The Mere Sight of These Books

By | January 5, 2009

From Bishop Epiphanius of Cyprus (The Sayings of the Desert Fathers; Cistercian Publications, pg. 58): "The acquisition of Christian books is necessary for those who can use them. For the mere sight of these books renders us less inclined to sin and incites us to believe more firmly in righteousness."  (HT: A.D.) When possible, I… Read More »