Category Archives: Faith

For the Glory of God

By | September 9, 2008

How do you “do everything for the glory of God”?  You may have memorized this verse at one point: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). In the context of this passage, this is not an abstract idea.  It is not… Read More »

Radical Living

By | September 6, 2008

Seventeen years ago I remember being blown away hearing from a missionary who lived in one of the worst places in the world that I had ever been to (a cemetery in a large city in the Middle East). I couldn’t believe someone would live there.  Four years ago a friend got me on his… Read More »

Shaban, Sheldon, and Palin

By | September 6, 2008

Many of my readers will be interested in the changes on Jaffa Road and at Shaban’s shop. Wonder how much you’ll have to pay after you buy your ticket?  Here are the airlines with the most and least fees. Free audio book of the month: Charles Sheldon, In His Steps.  Not free, but highly recommended… Read More »

Commentaries plus

By | September 2, 2008

I’ve been collecting things for a while now, so if a few of these sound out of date, you know why.  If you use Logos, you can get a free commentary of Matthew and Mark if you enter the coupon “cornerstone”.  For a limited time. I enjoyed watching some of the Olympics this year.  A… Read More »

The Purpose of Amusements

By | August 10, 2008

J. R. Miller, “In Green Pastures” 1890, via Grace Gems: Amusement must never become an end in life. It must always be a means, a help on the way–just as sleep is, just as rest is. An hour’s amusement, should be to you, just what a night’s sleeping is. It should make you stronger, clearer-headed,… Read More »

God's Purpose in Creation

By | August 6, 2008

I heard that there were some good messages at the Resolved conference this year, and since for a time they are not charging for those messages, I downloaded and listened to the final sermon, that by John Piper.  It was an excellent message, and probably would have been better if I had heard some of… Read More »

Clutterham on God's Mercies

By | March 23, 2008

Some of you know Josh Clutterham (my tribute here; totaled car here) and you may know that his mother’s struggle with cancer is nearly over.  You may not know that Josh has just written about the situation and God’s mercies in hard times.  I know that he and his family would appreciate your prayers. UPDATE… Read More »

Music, Conference, Translation

By | February 12, 2008

I have a new system for collecting material for my blogs which may result in more collections of not-necessarily-related items in a single post, such as this one. I’ve noticed more recently than I am bugged by worship leaders whose physical expressions seem to be directly related to the music style (and not the lyric… Read More »

Al Mohler at DTS

By | February 8, 2008

This week Al Mohler spoke in a lecture series in DTS chapel on the “New Atheism.”  In it, he addressed such influential writers as Dawkins and Hitchens.  After the first lecture, I was told that a professor said that it was the best lecture he had ever heard.  I was only able to attend his… Read More »