Category Archives: Faith

"Much Work to be Done"

By | October 9, 2007

I don’t usually reprint articles in full, but I’m not really sure how to abbreviate this one.  I think it’s worthy of consideration, with the following comments: 1. This rather lengthy article is one of the major news stories of the day by Arutz-7, an important (right-wing) news organization in Israel. 2. Don’t believe everything… Read More »

So Little Results

By | October 8, 2007

Some months ago, I heard a friend speak about missions in a country with which he is very familiar.  He made a statement that really startled me, and I asked him if I could quote him on it.  I can, without his name, and I am going to leave out the name of the country,… Read More »

Believers in Gaza

By | October 7, 2007

If you haven’t prayed for the believers in Gaza lately, maybe this will encourage you to. The body of a Christian official who was kidnapped over the weekend was discovered in Gaza City early Sunday, Palestinian sources said. The man was identified as Rami Ayyad, 31, director of The Teacher’s Bookshop, which is operated by… Read More »

Good Recent Sermons

By | October 3, 2007

If you haven’t heard about the Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis this past weekend, you can get all of the audio (or video) files for free.  I’ve enjoyed the two MacArthur sermons, as well as the conversation between MacArthur and Piper.  It was encouraging to hear these two men praise each other’s ministries, without… Read More »

What Would You Say?

By | September 19, 2007

This guy is amazing. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, whenever he’s on national TV, he somehow manages to present the gospel in clear terms.  And they don’t cut him off.  Even if the question was about yoga!

The Compromising Church

By | September 2, 2007

You probably think this is announcing the title of John MacArthur’s next book, but it is not.  I just thought that this morning’s service was rather interesting in a few regards.  The service was not only a mix of hymns and choruses, they alternated back and forth between them: one chorus, one hymn, one chorus,… Read More »

Churches We Visited

By | August 26, 2007

As I’ve mentioned before, we’re visiting churches.  Finding a church home has not gone as quickly as I had originally envisioned because first we thought we were going to live in one city and thus visited churches there, and then we realized we weren’t but were staying in a house in another part of the… Read More »

You Should Do This

By | August 16, 2007

Last year I noted here how impressed I was by this guy who recited Hebrews 9 and 10.  He not only quoted it, but he did it in a way that inspired me to get working on a memory project I had not made much progress on.  Because he motivated me, I thought that I might… Read More »


By | July 19, 2007

Not long ago I was talking to some friends who went to a non-accredited college, and I made a comment to the effect no one should go to a non-accredited school.  A degree from such a school will not be accepted at an accredited school, so you have to “re-do” the degree in order to do… Read More »