Category Archives: Faith

Can You Repent at the End?

By | July 7, 2007

I know that some of you subscribe to Grace Gems, but for those of you who don’t, I thought today’s quote and story was helpful.  From Gorham Abbott, “The Family at Home“, 1833: “They shall look on Him whom they have pierced, and shall mourn.” Zechariah 12:10     Repentance is the tear of love,     dropping… Read More »

$5 for any John Piper book

By | June 23, 2007

Desiring God is having a $5 book sale: every book will be $5 on Wed-Thurs, 6/27-28.  That’s a good deal and I’ll be placing an order. I actually got my first Piper book for $.25.  It was a hardcover of Desiring God, without a dustjacket.  But after a couple of attempts to read through it (no one… Read More »

Kingdom or Church

By | June 22, 2007

I was telling a friend last night that they should really encourage their son to check out The Master’s College because it really is the best school I know of.  This morning an email announced the change of the “Purpose and Philosophy Statement” with the addition of one word. The Master’s College, a Christian liberal… Read More »

Intelligent Atheist vs. Brilliant Believer

By | June 9, 2007

I’ve read many essays by Christopher Hitchens over the years, usually being impressed with his intellect if not agreeing with his conclusions.  Slate introduced me to his new book, “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” when they ran a series of excerpts from it, and though I’m not in the habit of reading… Read More »

Responding to Another View on Ezekiel

By | January 27, 2007

My friend P.J. Tibayan has excerpted a section from D. A. Carson in a comment on the previous post.  My intent in posting the previous bit about Ezekiel’s temple was to save myself time because I am short; I’m not sure that I succeeded.  But I want to respond to Carson’s comments, and it is… Read More »

Which Hermeneutic is Dishonest?

By | January 25, 2007

It’s been one of the hardest starts of a semester for me, because of sickness and things related.  Instead of not posting today, I thought I’d copy a reply I wrote to an email yesterday.  This was a response to a respected individual who I know only minimally from correspondence.  He had suggested that dispensationalists had… Read More »

Satan's Only Tune

By | January 10, 2007

Satan tempts and tests in only one way: He lies. And in all his lying, it boils down to two lies. In every test, his lie is: God is bad. And in every temptation his lie is: Sin is better. God is bad and sin is better. He has one tune to play, and he… Read More »