Category Archives: Family

Comforting the Hurting

By | September 15, 2009

My friend Craig wrote last week about the (short) life of his daughter in connection with a Dallas Morning News story on a couple who enjoyed every day with a son they knew would not live long.  The story prompted Craig to say more about his daughter than I recall him writing in the past. … Read More »

Everywhere is Beautiful

By | August 27, 2009

It doesn’t look like I’m going to have much time to write about our long summer drive, not to mention the fact that I’m forgetting what I was going to write about.  But I haven’t forgotten how beautiful everything was.  Truly, the West is beautiful.  (The East cannot compare.)  I think that every state was… Read More »

Summer Vacation #2: Audio Books

By | August 13, 2009

Someone asked in the comments, and even if they hadn’t, I had planned on telling you.  We listened to five books, of varying lengths, on our 4500-mile drive. O Jerusalem – with 22 CDs, my kids starting rebelling on this one. I didn’t make them listen to it, but put the audio only through the… Read More »

Summer Vacation #1

By | August 11, 2009

Here’s our trip by the numbers.  17 rides at Disneyland in 6.5 hours 14 people in our family photo 7 states visited 6 riders in our van 5 books on CD listened to 4 thousand five hundred miles driven 3 visits to the car garage 2 rivers we swam in 1 salt lake we floated… Read More »

Santa Clarita, July 20

By | July 1, 2009

My family is heading out west to visit my parents and brother’s family in Oregon later this month and on our way, we ‘re going to pass through Santa Clarita.  I don’t know if any of our old IBEX friends are still around, but if so, Jenn Kintner has volunteered to host a little get-together… Read More »

An Interview

By | June 2, 2009

If I’m a rock star and you ‘re one of the screaming fans in the front row, you ‘ll want to rush out to the newsstand and pick up the latest copy of Rolling Stone Adult Bible Studies Illustrated (Summer 2009).  A five-page article features an interview with me and enough photos of the photographer to… Read More »

Books, Reviews, and Newsletters

By | December 30, 2008

So, judging from the media’s reporting, how many books do you suppose President Bush read the last three years?  A half?  Actually, he read the Bible cover to cover each year.  Besides that, he has averaged 62 books each of the last three years.  That’s impressive, especially for someone with a few other things to… Read More »

Some Things – 9/24

By | September 24, 2008

So what do I do all week?  Feel dumb.  Last Friday I read hermeneutics and felt dumb.  Monday I studied Isaiah and felt —-.  Yesterday I studied the New Perspective on Paul and —- —-.  Today in class, yup.  Actually there was a bright moment, when, for about 10 seconds, I thought, hey, I’ve heard… Read More »