Category Archives: Family

Our Fireplace

By | January 16, 2008

After a long time, our landlord fixed our fireplace today.  When Luke got home, he was excited to see it and came and asked when we could use it.  Rather than telling him that I thought we’d try it out tonight, I asked him when he wanted to use it.  He thought for a minute,… Read More »

We Look Good

By | December 15, 2007

If you’re not on our Christmas letter list, then you probably haven’t seen this recent family photo.   This picture was taken by our friend Matt Winquist, of And There Was Light Photography and is shared with ya’ll by his permission.


By | November 28, 2007

My wife grew up in Green Bay, so no more explanation need be given of why she is a Packers fan.  I grew up in southern California, so it may not be readily obvious why I am a Cowboys fan.  Perhaps it was because their training camp was in the next town over (Thousand Oaks). … Read More »

A different day, a different place

By | November 19, 2007

I wish it was January 28 again.  It seems like forever ago… Wonderful people, with names supplied for those not fortunate enough to know them: Jenn Kintner, Gracie Jamison, Jeremy Edwards, me, Yuliya Molitvenik, Cynthia Hawkins Today, November 19, is Mark’s 8th birthday.  He had a great day including a game of bowling with his… Read More »

Entrance Exam

By | October 1, 2007

I took that exam for the PhD program on Friday and I think it went well enough.  If it was a comprehensive exam (to be taken at the end of coursework), then it was a miserable failure.  But for an entrance exam, I’m guessing they won’t keep me out.  I’m not allowed to talk about… Read More »

A Day in Suburban America

By | September 22, 2007

I feel like we’re making the transition to suburban American life quickly, in some respects. In Israel, I wouldn’t have woken up (and certainly not on a Shabbat, much less Yom Kippur) and checked Craig’s List and found a foosball table for sale at a garage sale less than a mile from our house.  Of… Read More »

The Last Six Weeks, in Photos

By | August 28, 2007

I don’t know if I’ve ever gone a month and a half without downloading my pictures from my camera.  But I suppose that a combination of events made that possible this summer.  But I have done it now, and thought I’d share a few pictures of the last six weeks of our life. Packers came a… Read More »

Move Update

By | August 14, 2007

Here is the majority of yesterday’s “Bolen Family Update.”  I don’t normally put it online because it contains personal details.  Most of this should not be embarrassing to anyone 15 years from now.  If you don’t get that update or know our secret moving blog address, but you live in the Dallas area and want… Read More »

15 Years

By | August 8, 2007

Fifteen years ago today a couple of young kids stood in front of a church and promised love until death.  Today we are celebrating that commitment and God’s faithfulness.  This morning we went to the Dallas Arboretum.  Tonight we’ll eat something you can’t get in Israel: a good steak.