Category Archives: Family

Our Trip to the Negev

By | March 14, 2007

Our family recently returned from a 4-day trip to the Negev.  I was teaching and thought that they would be intrigued with the transitory patterns of migrating Bedouin in the biblical period.  This has been a three-year tradition.  Nine years ago, I went on the trip with the school cellphone at the ready (back then,… Read More »

A photo

By | January 14, 2007

Last month we sent out a Christmas letter with a family photo.  If you didn’t get that and want to see one, here’s a medium-size version.  Or if you want to print it in poster size and hang it on your bathroom door, here’s the way big size. If you want to receive a Christmas letter… Read More »

Both Directions

By | November 18, 2006

Our two sons each live two lives. By day, they study in Israeli schools and speak, read, and write only Hebrew. By night, they live at home where only English is spoken, read, and written. They’ve been doing this for a couple of years now, and both are in second grade. Mark turns 7 tomorrow… Read More »

Five Years

By | September 2, 2006

Five years ago today was a very happy day for my family. It had been a difficult labor for Kelli and we were unhappy with the substitute doctor called in to deliver holiday weekend babies. But when the moment came, the birth was beautiful and amazing, unlike with our previous two sons. That was early… Read More »

Can You Tell?

By | June 10, 2006

Yesterday we spent the night near an important Old Testament site. I told the boys the story of David drooling in his beard. So you know where we stayed, right? If not, here’s another hint: Don’t tell me they all look the same! The white chalky cliffs are distinctive to this tell (and give it… Read More »

Israeli Elementary

By | June 8, 2006

Last night was sort of an “open house/carnival” at the boys’ school. Above is a picture of Mark’s first-grade classroom. Below is a picture of Kelli with Luke’s teacher. A few observations: 1. The kids have nowhere to keep their stuff (e.g., desk drawers) and so have to haul everything back and forth each day.… Read More »

Iraq and Iran

By | April 25, 2006

Daniel Pipes has a very short and interesting summary of the Pentagon’s report on where those Iraqi WMDs were. He begins the essay this way: The great mystery of the 2003 war in Iraq – “What about the WMD?” has finally been resolved. The short answer is: Saddam Hussein’s persistent record of lying meant no… Read More »