Category Archives: Family

Life Without Kids

By | March 3, 2006

It is amazing. We were married for 5 years before Luke was born and I thought it was very good for our marriage to have that time with just the two of us. But 8 years later (Luke’s birthday is today), it’s hard to remember. But we just had a couple of days away –… Read More »

Luke Update

By | February 8, 2006

Recently it seems that we have had more people asking how Luke is doing. Some are asking in response to some recent difficulties at school. We have decided that it might be easier for us and more beneficial for all if we could write a more detailed note and send it to all of those… Read More »

15 Years Ago

By | December 19, 2005

Fifteen years ago tonight, I said goodbye to my girlfriend. We had met during a semester of study in Israel and quickly developed a strong friendship. But with the semester over, we didn’t know if or how we would see each other again. She was from the Midwest and I was from California, and neither… Read More »

Completely Random

By | December 6, 2005

In order not to lose momentum, I’ve decided to post tonight. I can’t think of anything good to say, and even if I could, it would be lame compared to the depth of Gunner’s posts. But I will write something anyway, even if it is of no educational value. Maybe that is ok, sometimes. I… Read More »

Me and my Grandpa

By | October 30, 2005

I was hunting down a photo when I came across this one. It’s me and my Grandpa in Georgia when I was about 3 years old. He passed away a few years ago, but before he did I was able to fly out to see him with Mark (who was 2 at the time). He… Read More »