Category Archives: Family

Fort Ticonderoga

By | August 22, 2011

I appreciate the encouraging words written in the comments about these vacation posts. It is enjoyable to share our blessings. Today was to be our “New York” day. Though we did not spend a single night on this trip inside New York, we had a lot of ground to cover today between Vermont and our… Read More »


By | August 21, 2011

The state of Vermont is beautiful in the summer. Today we drove through some very scenic areas, but I only took photos of the place where we did a more extended hike. The city of Stowe is famous for various activities and businesses, but we limited our time there to walking around the town and… Read More »

New Hampshire

By | August 20, 2011

I knew I would like New Hampshire when we crossed the border and the sign had the state motto, “Live Free or Die.” Its southern neighbor, known for its oppressive laws, seems to live by the slogan, “We ‘d Rather Die.” I don’t know how conservative New Hampshire really is, but they don’t have a… Read More »


By | August 19, 2011

This day was happier than the photos and gloomy weather might suggest. To start with, we were staying with the Wing family. Rachel was an IBEX student now ten (!) years ago, and it was a privilege and blessing to spend time with her and her wonderful family. As I mentioned yesterday, our visit with… Read More »

Harvard, Lexington, and Concord

By | August 18, 2011

Though our car’s odometer doesn’t reflect it, we covered a lot of ground today. Thinking back over it, it’s hard to believe we did so much. I’m going to break the record with seven photos in today’s post but there are still a number of good things I won’t note. We spent the morning at… Read More »


By | August 17, 2011

The most memorable part of the day for me was the walk back. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy seeing all of the sites (I did!), but for some reason I really enjoyed walking the two miles from the end of the Freedom Trail back to the parking lot. Perhaps it had something to do… Read More »

Plymouth and Mayflower

By | August 16, 2011

Visits to the Plymouth Plantation and a replica of the Mayflower made for another relaxing day of experiencing American history. Before our trip we studied three major periods: the settlement, the Revolutionary War, and the Civil War. Along with our stop at Jamestown, today fulfilled our study of the pioneer settlers of America. Plymouth Plantation… Read More »

CT, RI, and Cape Cod

By | August 15, 2011

Today was a much more relaxed day, and everyone enjoyed that. The cities have been good but we need a break. Unlike most days when we drive to a place and then spend a lot of time there, today we drove a bit and stopped. Then we drove a bit more and stopped again. And… Read More »

New York City

By | August 14, 2011

Visiting a place like New York City with a crew of kids is a rather daunting proposition, but we had two things going for us. First, we were visiting on a Sunday, when the city is relatively quiet. Second, our friend Gordon had given us some good planning advice and was there to meet us… Read More »


By | August 13, 2011

We ‘ve been out 8 days now and I think we could all go home happy. We ‘re certainly excited about what is to come, but we ‘ve had what feels like a pretty full trip already. But we ‘re pressing on. We spent today in Philadelphia. Actually it was just the afternoon, as it… Read More »