Category Archives: Humor

My Violent, Hating, Racist Tendencies

By | December 13, 2005

I got this email today from Katie Slusher, a former IBEX student and neighbor of my parents, indicting me for violent, racist or hate messages on the webpage: Just wanted to share with you that here at The Master’s College our server protects us from going on websites that are not appropriate. Apparently, they… Read More »

Stupid Things My Students Do

By | December 13, 2005

One of my biggest regrets of the last 10 years is that I’ve never kept a list. It could win an award or something. One on the list would be the guy who brought the unexploded mortar into his dorm room. (He’s now getting his PhD from a prestigious university in Biblical Studies.) But today’s… Read More »

Finally, Something Funny

By | November 11, 2005

I am not a fan of the IPod (or of most things related to Apple, for multiple good reasons), but I am a fan of the new IPod Flea. Watch the video at the NYTimes website (2.5 minutes). When that’s finished, read the story about the “Minnesota Ghost.” Takes about 1 minute.

My Car is Worth $100,000

By | November 3, 2005

Actually, if I advertised it for sale, I would get about 7000 NIS ($1500). But if I priced it part by part, it would be worth a fortune. I know this because this week I replaced the headlight switch ($400) and the washer fluid pump ($100). For years I have needed to replace the exhaust… Read More »