Category Archives: Isaiah

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#15: The Beautiful King)

By | July 3, 2009

In my studies that motivated this blog series, I focused on Isaiah chapters 6-12 and 40-55.  These are central sections for understanding Isaiah’s hope of the future messiah.  As readers will know, I have not limited my posts to those sections, and rather than skip to chapter 40, I’ve chosen to do some limited posts… Read More »

The Talmud and the OT

By | June 29, 2009

Michael Wex is a Jewish author descended from some notable rabbis.  His specialty is Yiddish, and his book Born to Kvetch was a bestseller in 2005. This quotation was brought to my attention by Michael Rydelnik, and I checked the book out recently and verified it.  The statement is surprising given its source. Contrary to… Read More »

The Great Supper of God

By | May 3, 2009

Are you excited about the future “great supper of God”?  Is your appetite growing for this glorious future meal?  I hope not. Revelation 19:17-18 (ESV) Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and with a loud voice he called to all the birds that fly directly overhead, “Come, gather for the great supper… Read More »

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#9: The Kingdom)

By | February 1, 2009

You should have your devotions in Isaiah 11.  Every day for a month.  Besides being filled with hope of the world that is coming, you would be inoculated from much false understanding of the New Testament.  You wouldn’t say, as the DTS professor who spoke at my church this morning said, that we the church… Read More »

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#8: Remnant)

By | January 22, 2009

I was excited to write about Isaiah 11 tonight, but in reading from chapter 9 (the last post) to 11, I decided that I had to mention three verses in chapter 10.  I am motivated to do this for four reasons: 1) This brief word of hope captures the essence of what I see throughout… Read More »