Category Archives: Isaiah

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#7: Adding Detail)

By | January 19, 2009

I’m going to skip over chapter 8 with but one comment.  The sign of Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isa 8:1-4) is the sign that is often wrongly understood as the sign of Immanuel.  That is to say, MSHB signals the timing of the destruction of Aram and Israel by Assyria.  Immanuel does not.  It doesn’t make much sense… Read More »

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#6: Immanuel)

By | January 15, 2009

We have now arrived at the place where messianic prophecies start to come “fast and furious.”  It all begins with the prediction of a woman giving birth to a boy she calls “Immanuel.”  For this reason, some have called chapters 7-12 the “Book of Immanuel,” and I think this is an appropriate name.  The “Immanuel”… Read More »

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#4: The Branch)

By | January 9, 2009

As we continue through Isaiah, we come to another passage of hope in 4:2-6.  There is some debate about just what the nature of the hope described here is.  Those who work hard to deny the presence of the Messiah in the Old Testament may have an easier time with this one than with other… Read More »

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#2: Raising the Question)

By | December 27, 2008

In one sense, you can see the whole book of Isaiah as the weaving together of two threads.  The first thread is judgment, and the second is hope.  Judgment is decreed because God’s people are guilty.  But God’s promises require that judgment is not alone.  When the Lord blasted the Philistines, he didn’t say, “but… Read More »

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#1: Intro)

By | December 24, 2008

While I had two other courses, and the third was about the “Latter Prophets” as a whole (16 books), I could in some ways characterize this as my Isaiah semester.  This was not only because I wrote two major papers related to Isaiah in the Prophets class, but I also studied the use of Isaiah… Read More »

Semester #2 in Review

By | December 20, 2008

I’ve had to keep my head pretty low this semester, and thus I haven’t been able to say much about my studies as I’ve been going.  That is unfortunate, as I think it’s always better when it’s fresher, and, of course, much gets left behind when looking in retrospect.  I thought what I might do… Read More »