Category Archives: Life in Israel


By | December 29, 2006

Israel got some snow Wednesday night.  It wasn’t much where I live, but today (2 days after the snowfall), it was still sticking pretty well in the Hebron hills. Today I went to two biblical sites I had never been to.  There’s always something more to do.

Most Popular Names in Israel

By | November 19, 2006

Todd is not a good Israeli name. They usually think I’m saying “Tal” or “Ted.” My colleague Bill had problems with people understanding his name in Israel until the prominence of Bill Clinton and Bill Gates. I don’t see any famous Todds on the horizon to solve my problem. If you think your kids might live in Israel, here are some names that will fit right in.

Marring the Edges of Your Beard

By | October 31, 2006

The Jewish lesson for today is on payot or sidelocks that are worn by many Orthodox men. The reason that these exist goes back to Leviticus 19:27, which states: “You shall not round off the hair on your temples or mar the edges of your beard” (ESV). Rabbis have interpreted this in different ways, such… Read More »

Between Rain Storms

By | October 29, 2006

If you were anywhere else, you missed a great sunset last night… Just thought my former moshav mates might like the chance to reminisce. Later this week we’ll be watching the sun set over a different sea.

Please Leave Your Underwear At Home

By | October 17, 2006

I figure one convent sign deserves another… Perhaps my Russian friends can tell me if the original is less humorous. Lest you think this blog is going downhill fast, here’s a link to translation issue that I think may be helpful to some in clarifying how “dynamic equivalence” in translation works. “Dynamic equivalence” is a… Read More »

Passport Control

By | October 16, 2006

I lecture for six hours today, and so I’m stealing a post from my friend Josh.   This video is in Hebrew, but you’ll understand it anyway.   The gist of the conversation is that the guy coming into Israel doesn’t look like the photo in his passport.

The Israeli Way

By | October 4, 2006

I fulfilled a long-time desire today, but otherwise I am just barely making it this week with no relief in immediate view. But to keep my faithful readership happy, here’s a one-minute post. Last week I went to a brit (circumcision ceremony) of a neighbor’s family. Before the service, I asked the father if it… Read More »

An Average Week in Israel

By | September 22, 2006

Last year in an average week in Israel, 9 people were killed in road accidents, 1 Israeli was murdered by terrorists, and over 950 babies were killed by abortion. Female soldiers in the army are told that they are allowed three free abortions during their military service. Israel has no cut-off date for late-term abortions… Read More »

Palestinian Viper

By | June 8, 2006

They found this beauty on the moshav last night. This is the only poisonous snake in the Judean hills. Yes, that is venom you see there. In ten years of living here, I’ve never seen a live one of these outside of a zoo. And yes, I did make sure to get a picture to… Read More »