Category Archives: Life in Israel

Israeli Elementary

By | June 8, 2006

Last night was sort of an “open house/carnival” at the boys’ school. Above is a picture of Mark’s first-grade classroom. Below is a picture of Kelli with Luke’s teacher. A few observations: 1. The kids have nowhere to keep their stuff (e.g., desk drawers) and so have to haul everything back and forth each day.… Read More »

An Israeli Swear Word

By | June 8, 2006

The latest Caspari Center Media Review is out and includes this paragraph: In a column explaining the monthly “hot” colloquialisms in Israeli culture, the business daily newspaper Globes (May 17) reports the frequent use of the words “Jesus Christ” (in English) as a term of frustration on the streets of Tel Aviv. Author Moran Sharir… Read More »

Jews not for Jesus

By | June 3, 2006

I am back…for a little while anyway. While away, a writer at Haaretz wrote a column on “Why ‘Jews for Jesus’ is Evil.” After an avalanche of responses, he followed it up with “When Converting a Jew to Christ.” You might gain some insight in reading these, especially if you are less familiar with the… Read More »

The Country is Burning

By | May 15, 2006

Today is Lag b’Omer, which has some religious meaning, but for most Israelis it’s essentially National Bonfire Day. Pretty much everyone in Israel is burning whatever brush and wood they can find. We have a big one going here. Luke’s standing about as close as he wants to because of the heat.

Meno's Messages

By | May 10, 2006

Jerusalem Assembly has recently begun putting their sermons online. There are about 50 sermons available at this point, in English only (the Hebrew version is recorded separately and is available at These are streaming audio files in wma format, but you can save them from Windows Media Player after they start playing by choosing… Read More »

Lock and Load

By | April 24, 2006

I’ve often said that despite the news hype, I’ve never seen or heard a gun shot in Israel. That all changed on Saturday… For those who can’t tell, the game is paintball. The guy in the back is married to my wife. I should add that I really am very busy, and only went to… Read More »

The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee

By | April 14, 2006

Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed and behind that I just don’t want to do anything. When that happened this morning, I called down to the IBEX office to see if they wanted any help installing the new color laser printer. It’s a pretty shnazzy machine, made by HP with all of the bells and… Read More »

The Samaritan Passover

By | April 12, 2006

Tonight Passover begins and we’ll be observing the Seder with our students in the classroom. That will be a good time of remembering God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt. One aspect that we’ll miss that the ancients didn’t was the cost of that deliverance – the death of the firstborn. The Lord “passed over”… Read More »

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

By | April 10, 2006

I blinked and now it’s April. Almost mid-April. Yesterday was my (disappointing) visa appointment, today the March hero flew out, and tomorrow is the Samaritan Passover. The reason for my lack of posting last week was that we were in Galilee, where the weather was mostly…stormy. I tried something new in Galilee, some of which… Read More »

Follow-Up on March Hero

By | March 31, 2006

The March hero has arrived in Israel. This wasn’t planned when I wrote the post earlier this month, but it is an answer to your prayers I believe. Josh has a 10-day break between academic terms and will be going to Galilee with us. God’s timing is perfect. Thank you for praying. Now I am… Read More »