Category Archives: Life in Israel

Ten Minutes Out My Door

By | March 29, 2006

I don’t know what you see within a ten-minute walk from your door. Maybe a park, a grocery store, or a restaurant. Sometimes I miss those things. But on a day like today, I wouldn’t trade. There wasn’t much rain this winter and so a Bedouin family (extended family with brother and multiple wives and… Read More »

Elections Today

By | March 28, 2006

Israel is holding elections today, the result of Ariel Sharon disbanding the government and forming a new political party, Kadima, some months ago. The Israel Project has a run-down of the views of the 31(!) political parties running for seats in the Knesset (parliament). Elections here mean a public holiday and the kids are home.

Is the Messiah Here?

By | January 30, 2006

One very important rabbi says so. Before you laugh this off, know that this was one of the most important rabbis in Israel, as attested by the tributes given to him and the size of his funeral (from Arutz-7). Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, known as the “Senior Kabbalist Elder,” passed away last night in Jerusalem. Over… Read More »

Completely Random

By | December 6, 2005

In order not to lose momentum, I’ve decided to post tonight. I can’t think of anything good to say, and even if I could, it would be lame compared to the depth of Gunner’s posts. But I will write something anyway, even if it is of no educational value. Maybe that is ok, sometimes. I… Read More »

Update on Jerome Murphy-O'Connor's health

By | November 12, 2005

I asked Tom Powers today and here is his reply: The news on Father Jerome Murphy-O’Connor is quite promising these days, considering that he was only given a 50/50 chance of survival not that long ago. He is up and walking around, talking, eating, etc. and expected to make a full recovery. He is still… Read More »

For Prayer and Practice

By | November 10, 2005

These are two unrelated items that I read in the last 24 hours that I would recommend to you. For prayer: The Caspari Media Review gives the latest run-down on events related to Christians in Israel. Just the news, but very thought-provoking. For practice: Listen Up! Very good insights on talking and listening. Takes 3… Read More »

A Gallon in Israel

By | October 29, 2005

The price of a gallon of important fuels in Israel: Gasoline: $5.13 Milk: $3.37 Ice Cream: $17.14 Gasoline used to be closer to $4/gallon, but has gone up with the price of a barrel of oil. Milk is cheaper than I thought, and is fixed by the government. Except for the special treat of chocolate… Read More »