Category Archives: Life

April 14

By | April 14, 2010

If you ‘re planning to do much work in the Gospels, you might want to take a look at this commentary compiled from the Church Fathers by Thomas Aquinas.  Until Friday, this 8-volume work is available for Logos for only $16. On Sunday they blew up the old Dallas Cowboys stadium and my friend Eric… Read More »

April 7

By | April 7, 2010

The Tyndale Commentaries are now available for Logos.  For a few more days, there’s a deal for $140.  This is a great set for the average person, and this is the best price I’ve seen.  (Good until 4/10.) If you’ve done any image editing, you will find this incredible.  It might convince me to buy… Read More »

Alabaster Boxes of Your Affection

By | April 5, 2010

Here is a good reminder from J. R. Miller, via Grace Gems: Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your affection sealed and laid away–until your friends are dead. Fill their present days with tenderness. Speak your words of commendation, while their ears can hear them! The things you mean to say when they are… Read More »

To TMC and Back

By | March 31, 2010

I’m back home from a quick trip to California.  Some of you prayed; thank you.  A few observations: 1. My first impression when I got out of the airport was how beautiful southern California was.  I was looking at some very green hills.  I haven’t seen that since I last left Texas.  2. I have… Read More »

March 23

By | March 23, 2010

More Things Not to Say to Those Who are Suffering, by Ed Welch.  Worth reading. The Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad has saved at least one life. Some professors are forbidding computers in the classroom. What’s the relationship between ADHD, narcissism and Twitter?  Check out this graphic at Geoff Kirkland’s blog. Everyone knows where Mormons… Read More »


By | March 22, 2010

If you prayed for me in my recent struggle for what to preach on at TMC, thank you.  I was brushing my teeth this morning when “I” “figured out” the direction that the two messages should take.  I have a lot of work now, but now that the main points are clear, I can do… Read More »

The Wetness of Water

By | March 20, 2010

John Piper explains one way that C. S. Lewis has helped him.  I don’t know to whom credit is due, but I have felt this “awakening” growing for some time, and it is makes for days of blessed wonder and gratitude. Lewis gave me, and continues to give me, an intense sense of the astonishing… Read More »


By | March 16, 2010

A couple of friends have asked me if I’m speaking in chapel at TMC this semester.  I am. I’d appreciate your prayers particularly in the next week as I try to put a couple of messages together.  I’ve been thinking about it for some months, but I just can’t get my idea to “work” and… Read More »

Favorite Verse in the Bible

By | March 13, 2010

One of our boys asked me today what my favorite verse is.  For Awana, he has to ask 10 Christians this question and then write down his own.  This is a tough question for me, especially now.  But I gave him one of my favorites.  I ‘ll quote the preceding verse for context. (And God… Read More »