Category Archives: Life

Not All Democrats are Pro-Death

By | March 12, 2010

Do you pray for Democrats?  With the health care debate at a fever pitch, this would be a good week to do so.  Some pro-life Democrats are under extreme pressure right now.  From the National Review: According to Stupak, that group of twelve pro-life House Democrats — the “Stupak dozen” — has privately agreed for… Read More »

March 5

By | March 5, 2010

If you’ve ever wondered how much a book costs, you ‘ll want to read this NY Times article. If you like Amazon and have time to wait for the price to drop, you might find this site useful:  Krauthammer is good again. Thomas Sowell on the health care cost problem: Nothing would lower costs… Read More »

March 2

By | March 2, 2010

What would I know about you if I knew the Google searches you made in the last month?  What does God think, since he does know.  This is worth considering. BTW, how does Google always know exactly what you want?  It’s all about algorithms. Since I’m talking Google, did you know that the best man… Read More »

February 18

By | February 18, 2010

We had almost a foot of snow at our home in Dallas last week.  It snowed for about 24 hours straight.  That apparently set a record.  The kids got an extra day off school (thus a four-day weekend) and everyone had lots of fun.  Unfortunately it’s staying cold; the neighbor’s snowman is still standing a… Read More »

To Die Is…

By | January 31, 2010

Guy in the ministry, mid-30s, living in the Dallas area.  Has a wonderful wife and young children.  And brain cancer.  How would you respond if it were you? How would you respond differently if you knew God better?

January 1

By | January 1, 2010

If you think that the terrorists haven’t already won, it must be because you don’t fly on airplanes.   Christopher Hitchens asks “Why are we so bad at detecting the guilty and so good at collective punishment of the innocent?” Here’s a provoking column in the NY Times that I read many months ago but… Read More »

Thoughts on Bible Study

By | December 28, 2009

Several people have asked me in recent months to share my thoughts on studying Scripture.  I don’t think I have anything unique to share on the subject, but sometimes hearing it again or from one you know can give a fresh push.  In that light, I offer a few thoughts. The most important thing for… Read More »

Dan to Sinai

By | December 26, 2009

Tomorrow I fly to Israel to teach a three-week seminary program.  I’ve prepared a couple of posts that will go up later this week, but I don’t expect to have much time to post much else of substance while I’m traveling. If you forget and check in here and see nothing new, perhaps that will… Read More »

December 23

By | December 23, 2009

The website of Jerusalem Assembly is significantly improved since I last visited.  Among other things, it now includes a video of the new ministry center (yes, they finally bought a building!) and videos of Bookman’s course on the Passion Week. I think I need to read The Natural Superiority of Mules in order to understand… Read More »

December 17

By | December 17, 2009

Tim Tam Slam – if you don’t know what this is, you ought to give it a try.  It is especially fun in a family setting.  Buy some Tim Tams and bring them to the party this Christmas. Proofreading is important.  I saw a brand new book today in an expensive set that I’ve mentioned… Read More »