Category Archives: Life

August 28

By | August 28, 2009

Some think that I have an anti-Texas bias, or that I don’t like it here.  Actually, I like nearly everything about where we live.  I agree with this article, which says that Plano is one of the ten best places in America to raise your kids.  You can learn modern Hebrew or any number of… Read More »

August 18

By | August 18, 2009

This guy is only 30, but he is dangerous.   If any American church will have him, that is.   I was turned on to it because someone said this was the best sermon ever delivered at the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors Conference.   TMC needs to get him out for chapel.   And stand… Read More »

On Prices

By | August 15, 2009

Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday, and it’s a significant round-numbered one.  I bought her a piece of jewelry.  I think it’s the first since a diamond ring 17 years ago.  So I’m not really an expert in the field.  But I was just stunned at how the pricing works on these things.  First you have… Read More »

Squishy Apples

By | July 16, 2009

Apple Inc.  legal representatives asked Microsoft Corp recently to "stop running" advertisements suggesting Apple’s computers are expensive, Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner said. The interaction has emboldened Microsoft, which plans to continue with its so-called "Laptop Hunter" marketing campaign after learning, however indirectly, how effective the advertisement’s underlying message is in rankling Apple. "We’re… Read More »

July 13 and Some Numbers

By | July 13, 2009

In 6 days I ‘ll take my family to California, which they haven’t seen in exactly 6 years. I have 5 days left to finish a project I’ve been working on for 5 years. In 3 days we are having 3 friends for lunch. 2 years ago 2day we landed in Texas. This afternoon 1… Read More »

July 6

By | July 6, 2009

The sermon went well, thank you.  One guy called me a “velvet hammer.”  That might be good.  Another guy thinks my intonations and inflections sound like John MacArthur.  That would be very good.  (But, of course, it’s not true.) This is a neat music video.  It starts with a thunderstorm (turn up your volume for… Read More »

July 2

By | July 2, 2009

Randy Alcorn helps you think through how adultery will affect your life and the lives of those around you. A man comes back to life in Israel.  After the doctor declares him dead, man moves his hand. Never carry a balance on your credit card.  Ever.  Better to eat beans and sleep on a street… Read More »

June 14

By | June 14, 2009

One of my favorite books is The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, by Jeremiah Burroughs.  If you’ve been looking for a good motivation to read it, you now have one with the reading group at  They begin on June 18. Some good thoughts on evangelical superstars here. Daniel Pipes has a concise blogpost evaluating… Read More »

May 30

By | May 30, 2009

25 Golden Rules of E-Mail.  Most of these are good and worth following.  #7 and #8 are my pet peeves (in the circles I’m in, the problem is less with angry emails (#19) than it is with emailing my address to everyone they’ve ever met).  #23 is brilliant: declare "e-mail bankruptcy" once in a while. … Read More »