Category Archives: Life

Some Things – 9/15

By | September 15, 2008

Here’s a funny video at the Onion (2.5 min). I watched the Charlie Gibson interview with Sarah Palin on Friday night.  I’m guessing they chose Gibson because 1) when the liberal media was slammed at the Republican Convention, everyone started chanting “NBC” and 2) CBS is the party of Dan Rather.  But Gibson sure showed… Read More »

Commentaries plus

By | September 2, 2008

I’ve been collecting things for a while now, so if a few of these sound out of date, you know why.  If you use Logos, you can get a free commentary of Matthew and Mark if you enter the coupon “cornerstone”.  For a limited time. I enjoyed watching some of the Olympics this year.  A… Read More »

Something for Everyone

By | August 15, 2008

Here’s the latest edition of me helping you to spend your precious little time.  Enjoy! John Walton has written a great little post on Zondervan Academic’s new blog on bad things people do in teaching children the Bible.  I’m motivated to do something about it (tell a S.S. lesson, write a blog post, something).  But… Read More »

In the News

By | August 11, 2008

The Steven Curtis Chapman family talked with Larry King about the recent death of their daughter.  Israelis thriving in a Muslim land?  Yes, really. Eisenbrauns is selling some good titles this month at excellent prices.  That was a great relay race last night when the French failed to smash the Americans.  Besides the obvious drama… Read More »

Six Flags

By | August 4, 2008

Since I mentioned our impending visit to Six Flags and a few people have asked me about it, here are a few thoughts: First, I can save you a year of marketing classes in college by simply suggesting that you go to Six Flags and observe.   These guys are brilliant in selling, upselling, reselling,… Read More »

Brain Power

By | August 2, 2008

Earlier this year a professor sent me his collection of 18,000 images of the biblical lands.  As I have time, I look through some.  In my first pass through, I set Irfanview to advance each one every half second.  So I’m watching these pictures fly by, many from different angles than I’m used to, and… Read More »


By | July 30, 2008

I won’t bore you with the story (about how I am always reading to my kids at 8 at night and generally never walk outside for no reason, etc.), but tonight I walked outside and I saw this. It’s actually a double rainbow.  My camera, my wonderful awesome camera, pretty much hates me since I… Read More »


By | July 29, 2008

Here’s my latest collection of random things: Video: Italian police motorbike riders in the 50s. We had about 33 in our living room in Israel, but these guys fit 15 in a Smart car. The wonderful Irfanview has an update out, and it took me less than 3 seconds to find an improved feature that… Read More »


By | July 14, 2008

One year ago yesterday we moved to the States.  In some ways I feel like we’ve come a long way since then, and in other ways I wonder how I wasted so much time. On the positive side: We landed with a few suitcases and now have wheels, a place to live, and a church… Read More »

So Far

By | May 16, 2008

I’ve been back in Israel four days now.  It’s been a bit rough.  In fact, I’d say that if this was my only time to Israel, I’d tell people to never come.  Of course, I have the experience to know that it is not always this way.  Before I left, we had reason to believe… Read More »