Category Archives: Life

Gas Prices

By | May 9, 2008

If you think gas prices are high here, you should try filling up your tank in Turkey! Those who take things like this seriously might want to know that 1) I took the photo on January 1, 2001; 2) Turkey now uses the Euro; 3) gas prices in Turkey were $8/gallon in 2005, and I’m… Read More »

Personal note

By | April 28, 2008

The challenges of the semester have been compounded by a recent illness and now I find myself with my health restored (I think) and only 11 days to finish what remains.  That includes writing one paper (research 95% finished), and writing another (0% done).  The weekend after, I fly out to Israel for 3.5 weeks. … Read More »

Things I Come Across #3

By | April 18, 2008

The minds that God makes are not all alike (5-min video). Here are some reasons that pastors should blog (that may apply to non-pastors). C.S. Lewis has some tips on writing for children.  They seem like good tips.  The funny thing is that my kids can’t understand his writing (when I read the Narnia books… Read More »

Things I Come Across #2

By | April 14, 2008

My idea of justice: a Hamas rocket hitting Jimmy Carter on his visit to Sderot. This movie seems to be popular among some evangelicals.  If you haven’t yet seen the trailer for Expelled, you can here. I don’t think that taxes are bad per se, but I think it’s a great evil when the single… Read More »

Things I Come Across

By | April 6, 2008

This blog continues its descent into worthlessness and frivolousness.  Oh, wait. Was it ever anything other? It’s not just us moving to Dallas; everyone is!   An incredible statistic: About 56 percent of adults bought books last year.  So what did the rest of them spend their money on??? The title of the book is The… Read More »

Passover and Purim

By | March 20, 2008

It’s probably not very common that Passover and Purim fall on the same night.  Actually, according to the Jewish calendar, it is impossible (Purim is in the last month and Passover is in the first month).  But since the Christian calendar many centuries ago separated the calculation of Easter from the Jewish reckoning of Passover,… Read More »

Political Prognostication

By | February 19, 2008

This blog usually stays away from politics, not because the blog writer doesn’t think about it quite a bit, but because, well, it just gives people one more reason to not like you and I have enough already.  But you’ve caught me at a weak moment. I’ve been leaning towards praying for Hillary to win… Read More »

This Week

By | January 24, 2008

I did not write anything here for Tuesday’s class, which dealt with Matthew 1-4.  This may be owing to my sense of utter defeat.  That was not the only time this week that I felt that.  It’s not that I don’t know the answers, it’s that sometimes I don’t even understand the questions.  Today I… Read More »

Holiday Sundry

By | December 26, 2007

Funny how “vacation” is. In one sense, I’ve had much more “free” time than when the semester was going, but I’ve posted much less. It’s not because I’ve fallen into a mode of laziness, sleeping in till noon, and playing computer games all the time. I think it’s more because I have so many goals… Read More »