Category Archives: Life

Today at ETS

By | November 15, 2007

It has been an amazing week in California so far. My heart is full. I don’t have time tonight to go back through previous days, as much as I would like to. Instead I’ll make a few comments from today. Today was the first day of the Evangelical Theological Society conference. I have been to… Read More »

Entrance Exam

By | October 1, 2007

I took that exam for the PhD program on Friday and I think it went well enough.  If it was a comprehensive exam (to be taken at the end of coursework), then it was a miserable failure.  But for an entrance exam, I’m guessing they won’t keep me out.  I’m not allowed to talk about… Read More »

A Day in Suburban America

By | September 22, 2007

I feel like we’re making the transition to suburban American life quickly, in some respects. In Israel, I wouldn’t have woken up (and certainly not on a Shabbat, much less Yom Kippur) and checked Craig’s List and found a foosball table for sale at a garage sale less than a mile from our house.  Of… Read More »

A Troubling Question

By | August 2, 2007

The fact that this issue is one of the most difficult that I wrestle with on a daily basis will certainly reveal something about my character.  But I am willing to humble myself in order to seek greater clarity on the matter.  Perhaps I missed this lesson in an English class one day, or perhaps… Read More »

One Day, Two Services

By | July 30, 2007

So far the move hasn’t been real difficult physically, because until you get a place to live, you can’t do a whole lot. But you can look for a church, and we have been. Someone told me that the Dallas area has 65,000 churches, and so I doubt we’ll visit them all. Though if even… Read More »

First Sunday

By | July 16, 2007

Today was an important day for us, with our desire to find a good church before looking for a home.  For those who don’t know Dallas or large metropolitan areas, this is important because you could easily live thirty minutes or more away from church.  And the longer the drive, the less involved you’ll likely… Read More »

Big D

By | July 15, 2007

We are in Dallas.  Our Thursday and Friday ran together as we pulled an all-nighter packing our lives up.  We never would have made it without the help of our dear friends Jodi and Yuliya.  Thursday afternoon our family was walking the alleyways of the Old City and Friday evening we were driving through the… Read More »

FAQ on Our Move

By | June 25, 2007

I get lots of questions about our upcoming transition and there may be others who have the same questions.  So this is my attempt to answer those.  If you have questions that I don’t think of, feel free to ask. Why are you leaving the best job in the world? Short answer: God wants us… Read More »

Is This Guy the Messiah?

By | June 19, 2007

True, he’s dead, but still millions of people believe that he is (or was) the Messiah.  My acquaintance with the movement began in the mid-90s when I worked (as a temporary employee) for the Chabad (Lubavitch) offices in L.A.  The Rebbe had recently passed away and the movement was trying to cope with his death… Read More »

Whaddyaknow? The Death Penalty Works

By | June 11, 2007

You may have already seen this AP story, but in case you haven’t, here’s my little pointer to it.  Numerous studies have been done on the effect of the death penalty on crime, and all of them show that it prevents murders.  The studies disagree on approximately how many lives are saved, but it’s somewhere… Read More »