Category Archives: Life

My Life, Out of Control

By | June 8, 2007

I like to use my computer desktop as a temporary holding place for files that I need to work on.  Sometimes I get behind. Don’t bother asking about my email inbox.

Wonderful Week (but all you get is an old photo)

By | April 27, 2007

This is the part of the semester when time for blogging is hard to come by.  This has been a wonderful week, but without time to reflect on it here.  I’ve made good progress in grading papers, saw an Iron Age fort new to me, had significant help in preaching in the last chapel tonight, and… Read More »

Questions (and answers)

By | April 19, 2007

I am going away for the weekend (not to a country north of us as I had planned at one point).  With time being short, I’ve been responding to a few emails and thought that a few questions I’ve been asked might be of more general interest.  Are you still planning on moving to Dallas… Read More »

Odds and ends

By | March 23, 2007

Sometimes you just marvel and say, that is a cool photo. I’ve been using TinyURL for years, but urlTea seems better if you want to shrink (and customize) a link. One chart that summarizes the major views about the millennium (or lack thereof) is online here. For some months now, I’ve been using Windows Live… Read More »

Monday night

By | March 5, 2007

As we leave for the Negev… I am again so impressed with the thinking of this young man… A former IBEXer, Cindy (Burnham) Waldeck (S97) and husband Dan have lost their 7-year-old daughter.  Pray for them.  These must be very hard days, no matter what. Our whole family is going on a four-day trip with… Read More »

You're Ugly

By | January 30, 2007

 So how many emails do you get with a subject line “I went on a date.”  And in the message they tell you that the date looked amazingly similar to you, and that that was the first and the last date with that person. I must be special.  Just not in the way my Mom… Read More »

But He Made Me Laugh…

By | January 18, 2007

I’m neck deep in a research project in a field that I don’t know so well.  One of the main articles of value was written by a guy I’d never heard of, and his article was not only effective but incorporated appropriate humor in several places.  Not only did that make the article more enjoyable… Read More »

A Fetus or an Infant?

By | December 18, 2006

From Best of the Web Today: “The remains of what were tentatively identified as three human fetuses or infants were discovered in the freezer of a woman who was found dead in her home last month,” the Associated Press reports from Columbia, Tenn. “The age and cause of death will be determined in an autopsy… Read More »

Close to Home

By | December 12, 2006

Several items of news in the U.S. over the past week have hit close to home.  James Kim died while trying to save his family in a snowstorm very near to my parents’ house and where we spent some time this summer.  James was my age, and an editor of a website I read frequently.… Read More »

Do you care?

By | November 28, 2006

I need to be grading papers, so instead of something substantive from me, I suggest you read Michael Kinsley’s article, “Like I Care.” This is especially relevant for those who have blogs, myspace accounts, facebook pages, and such. After I finish grading papers, I’ll be getting a glass of cold water.