Category Archives: Life

When Is It Wise To Drink?

By | October 18, 2010

My background is completely different than Daniel Akin’s.  I’ve never had a person close to me abuse alcohol.  Nor did I grow up in an environment where alcohol was demonized.  But I’ve come to the same conclusion as Akin. I challenge anyone to show me the superior wisdom of drinking “in moderation,” as opposed to… Read More »

October 6

By | October 6, 2010

Deep Springs College – I’d never heard of it, but I admit that I’m fascinated by what they do and how they do it.  I was interviewed a few weeks ago on Time to Revive radio show with Kyle Martin.  Our topic was David and Goliath.  A direct link to the audio is here. Do… Read More »

Clusters of Varied Fragrance and Beauty

By | September 19, 2010

Do you ever wonder how life seems unfair?  Why does one friend get cancer, but I do not?  Why am I burdened with a certain family problem but everyone else seems to be normal?  I found this analogy from John MacDuff helpful: The gardener has occasionally to subject his plants to apparently rough treatment–cutting, lopping,… Read More »

Four Weeks

By | September 7, 2010

Three weeks ago I was studying Luke. Two weeks ago I was studying Acts. Last week I studied the Gospel of John. This week I’m in Romans. Good times.

A Wasted Vacation?

By | August 26, 2010

Earlier this summer my family took a nice, long vacation.  It was a mixture of old friends, family, and some sightseeing.  It was not relaxing but it was enjoyable. Tonight, however, marks three weeks since we returned home.  Until this point I/we have done very little follow-up on our trip.  Some of us have downloaded… Read More »

July 16

By | July 16, 2010

Academic Respectability vs. Academic Responsibility – this is a very good post for those in academia. Why would an orphanage filled with babies be silent?  I suggest you read at least the introduction of this CT article by Russell Moore. “In the mid-20th century, Jews were the least prestigious white ethnic group in America,” according… Read More »

July 13

By | July 13, 2010

Three years ago today we flew out of Israel and landed in Texas.  It’s hard to capture everything in a few words, but I can say a few things.  We like living here.  It’s best not to think about Israel.  I’ve made good progress in my studies.  I love what I am learning.  Our family… Read More »

June 25

By | June 25, 2010

Should Pastors Get PhDs? – John Piper, a pastor with a PhD, says no.  I agree.  I added my own comment below. I’m struggling to handle a mere 1,189 chapters in the Bible, but God takes care of 100 billion galaxies (at least) every day.  This is a 3-D view from the Hubble telescope. Randy… Read More »

June 12

By | June 12, 2010

If you ‘re like me and you forget most of what you read, this brief post may encourage you. The WP has an interesting (and sympathetic) profile of Elena Kagan. What would the flag look like if Puerto Rico joined the United States?  And Guam and Baja?  This slick little widget will show you all… Read More »

Follow-up to Guess Which One

By | June 9, 2010

I meant to follow-up more quickly on the Guess Which One post; my apologies to those who were waiting. The correct answer was #8: In fact, I have too many books on my desk.  The rest are all true.  A few comments. 1. Our boys did graduate and they ‘re off to “middle school” in… Read More »