Category Archives: Modern Middle East

While I Was Camping…

By | July 14, 2006

While I was camping, there were some new developments. First, about camping. Luke complained that it was noisy at night while he was trying to sleep. We were staying near Tell Yalo, ancient Aijalon. Midway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Yes, too noisy. The cows were mooing, the woodpeckers pecking, and the birds chirping. But… Read More »

Are We Safe? (#72,631)

By | July 13, 2006

I’m going to save myself a few future emails, by answering your question before you ask. Four who have already written have said: I have just been checking the news in Israel and having read about the recent events in regards to Lebanon, was wondering what your take on the whole situation is since Israel… Read More »

Iraq and Iran

By | April 25, 2006

Daniel Pipes has a very short and interesting summary of the Pentagon’s report on where those Iraqi WMDs were. He begins the essay this way: The great mystery of the 2003 war in Iraq – “What about the WMD?” has finally been resolved. The short answer is: Saddam Hussein’s persistent record of lying meant no… Read More »

Collaborators in Israel

By | March 6, 2006

The JPost has an article about a side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that we often don’t think about – those on the Palestinian side who give information to the Israelis. They save countless lives but are despised by their own people and not viewed highly by those they’ve helped. This is an inside view into… Read More »

The Hamas Victory

By | February 1, 2006

A number of people have asked me for my take on the Hamas’ victory in the Palestinian elections last week. I’m far from an expert in this area and I don’t have the time I need to formulate my thoughts for a public forum. But I read Daniel Pipes’ editorial yesterday and agree with it… Read More »

On the Timing of Ariel Sharon's Stroke

By | January 5, 2006

Though it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a 77-year-old, overweight man could suddenly fall seriously ill or die, the timing of Ariel Sharon’s stroke is very momentous. I had thought of writing a short primer for those in the US who haven’t kept up, but I just received Daniel Pipes’ latest editorial in my inbox. I… Read More »

Muslims Coming to Christ

By | December 20, 2005

My brother Chet and sister-in-law Allison (IBEX Fall 99!) gave me a book for my birthday that I thought was worth sharing about here. The Costly Call, by Emir Caner and H. Edward Pruitt is subtitled, “Modern-Day Stories of Muslims Who Found Jesus.” This 150-page book gives the accounts of twenty men and women from… Read More »

A Muslim View of the Temple Mount

By | October 31, 2005

WorldNetDaily has an interview with the vice-chairman of the Islamic Movement about the Temple Mount. If you haven’t read much about the Muslim view of the Temple Mount, then it’s a worthwhile read. In short, any Jewish claim to the Temple Mount is denied because it is alleged that Al-Aqsa existed there since the time… Read More »