Category Archives: Studies

Life of Christ books

By | August 27, 2006

I have found a good deal on 6 classic books on the life of Christ, for about $2.50 a book. The catch? 1) They’re for the computer, in Logos/Libronix format. 2) They haven’t quite been published yet. But that’s the reason for this post. Logos will publish these 6 books in a collection if there… Read More »

Learn Your OT Theology

By | August 16, 2006

All other Eugene Merrill fans out there will be excited to know that his OT theology is being released next month. I remember a couple of years ago when he was working on it in Jerusalem. He was working with just a Bible and a computer, as I recall. Not exactly like other works which… Read More »

Errors in the Bible

By | August 11, 2006

I’m reading through the Bible (yes, in a non-approved version), and in going through Numbers 33, I was reminded of how difficult the wilderness itineraries are. There are a few places in Scripture where the travels of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan are recorded, and not only do they not reconcile easily, it’s hard… Read More »

Liberal Logic – A Response

By | June 10, 2006

I previously commented about “Liberal Logic” with regard to the location of Ai. The author of the book mentioned therein responded in the comments section. As I want to respond to him, I’ve chosen to copy his comments to this post, followed by my response. It is by accident that i came across Bolen’s critique… Read More »

Liberal Logic

By | May 17, 2006

In his new book, Fifty Major Cities of the Bible, John C. H. Laughlin has a chapter on ‘Ai (et-Tell). It’s actually a pretty standard treatment of the subject from the liberal perspective. The only real surprise is that though this book claims to be up-to-date (2006), the latest source in the chapter’s bibliography is… Read More »


By | April 27, 2006

Some time ago, I took a survey which indicated that the Jewish Publication Society Bible was the best fit given my translation preferences. A friend commented on that post and noted an “interesting” non-translation of Isaiah 9:6. “For a child is born unto us, A son is given unto us; And the government is upon… Read More »

While I Was Away

By | March 23, 2006

Yad HaShmonah was the subject of a 10-page article in the Orthodox magazine Yated Ne’eman. A summary is given in this week’s Caspari Media Review. Consider the source and don’t believe everything you read. David Powlison also has prostate cancer and takes the opportunity to add to Piper’s recent essay, “Don’t Waste Your Cancer.” Craig… Read More »

The Value of Texts

By | March 4, 2006

The trend in among some in the archaeological and biblical studies field is to emphasize the archaeological record and to see little value in the historical (mostly biblical) record. There are many examples of this, but here’s two: Archaeology’s “finds have revolutionized the study of early Israel and have cast serious doubt on the historical… Read More »

How I Take Notes

By | February 17, 2006

After my previous post, a number of you responded on how you do it or how you think it should or shouldn’t be done. One person was even brave enough to suggest that you neither buy books, nor mark them! (And I fear that said individual is actually a current student of mine :-( Only… Read More »

How to Be a Good Scholar

By | February 15, 2006

I’m preparing for two lectures this week (and one next) on David and in the process I read my friend Danny Frese’s paper dealing with some recent theories on David’s rule. One work that he deals with more extensively is the 2001 work by Baruch Halpern, David’s Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King. Halpern is… Read More »