Category Archives: Studies

Conservative and Dispensational

By | February 7, 2006

One advantage of the blogosphere is the world that it opens up to one without lots of peers to dialogue with. And the peers in the blogosphere come in many more sizes and shapes than one would likely find in a faculty dining room anyhow. This makes for an (usually) enjoyable experience of education, with… Read More »

Which Translation is Best for You?

By | February 3, 2006

We’ve talked about Bible translations here before. Here is one guy’s attempt to help you determine which English translation is best for you, depending on what factors you consider most important. Give it a try and you might learn something new. For instance, the JPS Tanakh ranked #1 for me (if the questions included whether… Read More »

The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon

By | January 31, 2006

Few people know that I started my scholarly life researching the Mormon faith. I was about 8 years old and many of the kids on my block went to the Mormon church. I read a lot and I studied a lot and when opportunities arose, we talked. That continued in my college years as I… Read More »

Best-Selling Bibles

By | January 24, 2006

I don’t normally follow the sales ranking of English Bible translations, but I happened to come across it recently and it got me thinking about some of what it says about Bible buyers in America. You can see the list here, but for convenience, I have pasted it below (from Feb 2006; the linked page… Read More »

The Things That Make Me Happy

By | January 18, 2006

I’ve heard from a reliable source that Eugene Merrill is going to be working on a second edition of Kingdom of Priests. I know many students will be happy to get an up-to-date edition of this excellent work. It’ll take a few years to produce; may the Lord supply Dr. Merrill with all of the… Read More »

Do You Read Journals?

By | December 15, 2005

Last night I had guard duty and between letting guests in for the bar mitzvah, I read through several articles in the latest issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Sept 2005, 48/3). Many of the readers of this blog are currently students and thus don’t have time for extra reading, but this… Read More »

ETS Conference – What I Missed

By | December 12, 2005

Because of my location in Israel, I am not able to attend the annual ETS meetings. I have had the opportunity twice – 2001 because of disaster I was in California and able to fly to Colorado Springs, and last year when I was able to combine a visit to Dallas Theological Seminary with the… Read More »