Category Archives: Teaching

I'm Proud of This

By | August 20, 2006

The Master’s College has been ranked 2nd (tied) in the West (in the top tier) as one of America’s Best Colleges 2007 in the Best Comprehensive Colleges-Bachelor’s category by U.S. News and World Report. This marks the 7th year in a row that TMC was listed in the top tier of western region bachelor’s degree… Read More »

What I Like to Hear

By | May 20, 2006

from a former student… so i’m reading this book my professor suggested, “the greatness of the kingdom” by alva mcclain and it hit me. You are still making me study and you’re like 10,000 miles away! thanks a lot.

Wanna Be a College Prof?

By | April 17, 2006

Money Magazine has the details on salary and job growth for archaeologists and historians (HT: Explorator). Based on salary and job prospects though, a college professor is the second best job in America. Average pay is $81k and expected job growth over the next 10 years is 31%. 75% of college profs make more than… Read More »

Do You Write In Your Books?

By | February 9, 2006

Mortimer Adler, who wrote How to Read a Book, has penned a short essay on How to Mark a Book. If you read, this essay is worth reading. I don’t agree with everything that he says, but he says much that is valuable, especially for those who are now developing reading habits for a lifetime… Read More »

Throwing Your Semester Away

By | December 11, 2005

At the semester-end party, I jokingly suggested that if students were going to throw away their Land and Bible class notes that they not put them in the donate bins where I might find them and feel bad. The students’ audible reaction was that no one would ever throw away those notes. But I’ve seen… Read More »

Bad Papers Followup: How To Be Better

By | November 30, 2005

Following yesterday’s post I was asked to give some tips for writing. I have chosen not to mention specific grammatical rules or to list the “Most Frequent Mistakes in IBEX Papers” that I have in my Research Paper Guide. Instead I have four general principles to becoming a better writer. 1. Pay attention to how… Read More »

Grading Papers

By | November 29, 2005

I did write some things about Italy and Malta while on the trip and I had planned to massage those into a post or two (with photos, as Amy requests :-)), but all of my files are in my office and I usually blog at home. Especially these days as I clear the decks and… Read More »