Category Archives: Things I Like

February 8

By | February 8, 2010

My favorite Super Bowl ad (of those I saw) was by Audi.  My guess is that it won’t be too long before we won’t find it funny. A survey of Protestant pastors asked them to "name the top three living Christian preachers that most influence you."  In the top ten were a father and a… Read More »

February 3

By | February 3, 2010

The media doesn’t know we exist.  Or at least they don’t believe it.  That’s judging from this story about Tim Tebow.  They act as if he is the only intelligent, articulate Christian who is saving himself for marriage. Actually, one of them knows.  This column by WP columnist Sally Jenkins puts everything else in sharp… Read More »

Twelve Things I Like About Texas (#11 and #12)

By | November 22, 2009

11. Kids ‘ athletic fields here which are better than professional facilities in Israel.  They are simply amazing.  I don’t just mean that the fields have grass and lack potholes (yes, we ‘ve already surpassed the major leagues elsewhere), but the paths between the fields are paved with concrete, seating is provided with backs, and… Read More »

Three Views on the Millennium

By | October 27, 2009

I don’t know if you have two hours to listen to a debate about the millennium, but I enjoyed this one even though my view was not represented.  The other thing missing from this debate: the Old Testament!  Too bad God wasted all that time writing those books that describe in extraordinary detail the future. … Read More »

October 19

By | October 19, 2009

A long time ago I wished aloud for a better way to access old TMC chapel messages.  Somebody else must have had the same desire.  Very nice!  Where to start?  How about Dr. Pilkey or Dr. Bookman or Harry Walls? How do you sign your email?  Sincerely, regards, cheers?  It turns out that I’m not… Read More »