Category Archives: Things I Like

Radical Living

By | September 6, 2008

Seventeen years ago I remember being blown away hearing from a missionary who lived in one of the worst places in the world that I had ever been to (a cemetery in a large city in the Middle East). I couldn’t believe someone would live there.  Four years ago a friend got me on his… Read More »

Shaban, Sheldon, and Palin

By | September 6, 2008

Many of my readers will be interested in the changes on Jaffa Road and at Shaban’s shop. Wonder how much you’ll have to pay after you buy your ticket?  Here are the airlines with the most and least fees. Free audio book of the month: Charles Sheldon, In His Steps.  Not free, but highly recommended… Read More »

Summer Reading, Part 2

By | August 21, 2008

This is a continuation of the previous post.  I’ve listed the books more or less in the order that I read them. Bringing up Boys, by James Dobson – Kelli and I read through and discussed this book.  I was disappointed, as it was more of a commentary on our society than tips in how… Read More »

Something for Everyone

By | August 15, 2008

Here’s the latest edition of me helping you to spend your precious little time.  Enjoy! John Walton has written a great little post on Zondervan Academic’s new blog on bad things people do in teaching children the Bible.  I’m motivated to do something about it (tell a S.S. lesson, write a blog post, something).  But… Read More »

Music I Like

By | July 24, 2008

So I really have too much to do, but Amazon sent (a few months ago) this thing where you can make your own widget with songs you like.  They claimed it was easy and so I thought I’d take a ten-minute break this afternoon and see just how easy.  It was much easier than what… Read More »

Tailgate Party

By | July 3, 2008

I’ve figured out how to retire young (or feed Africa for a year).  Just write one song.  It could be worth more than $500 millon. When I started watching this video, I first thought that I had seen it before.  Then I thought that it was going to be lame.  I was wrong.  If you’re… Read More »

Study Bibles plus

By | June 30, 2008

June 30, 2008.  Today Bill Gates retires from Microsoft.  Today I retire from Master’s.  He goes to improve the world.  I go to improve myself.  He goes to spend lots of money.  I am going to spend lots of money.  Microsoft will be different when he leaves.  Master’s will be different when I return.  When… Read More »

Here and There

By | June 24, 2008

If you’ve ever considered getting certified to scuba dive, take a look at Sam Neylan’s pros and cons.  Now that I’m convinced, I live in the middle of a barren wasteland.  (While you’re there, you might note that she has at least 7 links to me on her blog.) In the “I know that person”… Read More »

Summer Solstice

By | June 20, 2008

The summer solstice this year is on June 20, the earliest it has been since 1896 (but it made it to the 20th only by a minute).  More fascinating facts, including what you would see at the Egyptian pyramids, at National Geographic. One of the most important reference works ever written, and one of the… Read More »