Category Archives: Things I Like

Gift Certificates

By | December 14, 2006

I read somewhere recently that gift certificates are bad gifts.  I agree if you get a gift certificate to some place you don’t care about (like to Starbucks or the iTunes store).  But I like giving and getting Amazon gift certificates, as you can find pretty much anything there.  And Amazon doesn’t play games like short… Read More »

Your Christmas List

By | December 4, 2006

Here are some ideas either for you to give or to ask for :-) Valley of Vision – you can get the nice leather bound edition, the excellent audio CD version, or the new Sovereign Grace CD which is based on these Puritan prayers. Archaeological Study Bible. I’ve talked about this before here and here.… Read More »

Do you…wear headphones?

By | October 27, 2006

This week’s links are to articles that express ideas that I have had, but expressed much better. Many of my readers are iPod users, I would guess.   The iPod (or any mp3 player) is really just a newer and smaller Walkman, but because of their small size and ability to hold thousands of songs,… Read More »

Friday Links

By | October 20, 2006

Here are some links I’ve come across this week that are worth checking out. Gunner has moved to Raw Christianity. In his introductory post, he writes: I said that what I’ve always wanted to be is someone who doesn’t seek to be a polished disciple or a smooth Christian but who is authentic and on-edge… Read More »

Favorite Sermons Online and Free

By | October 18, 2006

If I can’t find what I’m looking for on the internet within one minute, I usually conclude that it’s not there. Last week, however, I was determined to find the latest biographical sermon by John Piper on William Tyndale. I found the manuscript and I found links to all of the other messages. And of… Read More »

Columbine Father on CBS

By | October 8, 2006

It’s hard to believe that CBS News actually let this guy say what he did. They call the segment “Free Speech,” but in liberal media that usually doesn’t mean anything.   It must be an indication that the network is at the bottom of the ratings. On her blog, Katie Couric responded to criticism by… Read More »

Divine Art

By | October 6, 2006

If you have a minute, here are some amazing photos of snowflakes, courtesy of some really smart guys at Caltech.   There are several photo galleries as well as a Snowflake Primer and a FAQ.   This is just another one of the places where God has hidden beauty that almost no one ever sees.

Poor Salesman

By | October 5, 2006

Back-to-back one minute posts: The life of Christ books for Logos/Libronix still has not crossed the threshold for minimum orders, but it sure looks close. The calendar idea I suggested is a no-go, but I’ll have pictures in another calendar for 2007. If I learn that it’s publicly available, I’ll mention it here. UPDATE: I… Read More »

Summer Fruit

By | September 25, 2006

This morning we stopped class to go harvest grapes. It’s pretty cool to be able to walk five minutes down the road and be in a large vineyard. Later in the day I set up the display below. We’re not to this point yet in the Ancient Israel class, but the fruit is ripe now.… Read More »

Happy New Year

By | September 21, 2006

The Jewish year 5767 begins on Friday night, which according to biblical reckoning is the first day of the seventh month, the Feast of Trumpets. Google has gotten into the spirit with a cool graphic on the Google Israel page. Elsewhere, I found a page that makes it easy to search Google’s various categories. It’s… Read More »